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Okay, so the month of October is slowly coming our way, and I thought of a possible Halloween story to put together as a special treat for all you guys. I know Misfit Six isn't really going far right now but... I'll be honest, I don't know how much I wanna touch it right now, but we'll have to wait and see. I'm taking a break from that fic.

But as for the Halloween tale...

Its late October, end of the month is near. And as everyone gets ready, the Mane 9 make plans to go to a haunted house for a Halloween party/scavenger hunt (will make decision on which) Unfortunately, our shy little dork Trixie knows the location of the place they're going to, after having a bad experience with it when she was a little girl. Still trying to entice her to come along, maybe the Dazzlings tell her a tale to try and lift her spirit to help her confront her fear; their tale, of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

Make it happen... or not? Feel free to tell me your thoughts! :twilightsmile:

Sounds like fun. ^_^ I say go for it!

I want to do the same after Armada II.

Do you need to ask? I say go for it!

I'm a sucker for Halloween stories! :twilightsmile:

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