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Hello all. Scholarly-Cimmerian here with a big question for you all.

Just for the sake of discussion... what do you all think about the Shattered Rainbow Rock's version of Sunset Shimmer? Do you think she was *always* a terrible pony-turned-human, or do you think she could have once been innocent, and - if not "corrupted" - then at least wasn't *always* horrible?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not setting out to defend her. She's done a lot of horrible, wicked things. She's gone to jail for her crimes, and has pretty much spat on the idea of seeking forgiveness for her crimes. But the question I have for you is not "can Sunset Shimmer change?"

No, it's "Do you think she was always bad? And if she wasn't, what made her a monster?"

We know she was a student of Princess Luna. And while I'd like to think that Lulu wouldn't let a sociopath into her school and make her a personal student... I do wonder. Perhaps Luna *did* see that Sunset had issues, and actually took her on in the hope of straightening her out some? But unfortunately for her, Sunset was too far gone to be helped (or alternately, grew to hate Luna, feeling like she was a pity case or something) and instead doubled down on her ambitions... possibly. Maybe. That is just my own guess.

But I would like to hear whatever you all might have to say. :twilightsmile:

In my head, I'd like to think from a very young age Sunset became fascinated by power and by those who used it. Eventually that fascination grew into a desire for great power of her own. Light, Dark, whatever, she wanted it all. And so throwing herself into studying all forms of magic she could get her hooves on she started down her path.

Luna would later find the young filly maybe after she (Sunset) attempted some kinda of ritual spell or something and flubbed it maybe destroying a building or two in the process but thankfully not killing anyone. Luna would then take the Filly into her care in hopes of guiding her back to a safer path. But alas it wouldn't be to be, as say maybe after months to maybe a year Sunset eventually grows furious as Luna's constant attempts at guiding her and snaps actually managing to draw the attention of a "Nightmare" who takes interest in Sunset and offers her power in hopes of taking the filly over.

Sunset accepts, however something happens the Nightmare didn't expect, Sunset's will was stronger then its own, actually managing to erase it from existence while keeping its former power all to herself. Sunset then would use her new powers and located the mirror portal (while taking out more then a few guards along the way) and left Equestria and wound up in the human world where she began to make her plans to conquer her homeland AND the land she then found herself in.


That is....a good theory actually.

thanks! I actually had to think for awhile after reading the question before I came up with the above scenario

Ooh. That is a very, very damn good theory. I really like it! :yay:

FourShadow, you reading this right now? XD

we (me and Four) talked about it in Discord :)

Good to know! Glad to hear it. :pinkiesmile:

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