Songs of the Spheres: Extended Multiverse 216 members · 58 stories
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Hiya folks! Since chapter 127 went up, many of us have been itching to keep that momentum rolling, and we'd like to invite all fan writers, not just established ones, but anyone with an idea to join us in egging each other on encouraging each other to keep writing. It doesn't have to be about an established character or setting; if it fits within the Songs of the Spheres multiverse, it counts. Whether you want editing, critique, or just encouragement to keep going, we're here (or in the SotS Discord server).

There is one restriction: for this first Fan Flood, we have an anti-theme. <drumroll>

Happier Times.
The main story has been very dark and harsh lately, so we're keeping the war out this time around. You can write about anything, as long as it happens before the War for Existence, and preferably doesn't involve war at all. It doesn't have to be fluffy sunshine and rainbows. Although if you do manage to write about fluffy sunshine, I'd like to see it.

The target date (note: not deadline) is February 2nd, for no particular reason, and there's no particular wordcount target other than "try to finish something".

Any completed submissions should go in the Enchorus thread; don't forget to label them as Happier Times!

Group Admin

You have my blessing. GO FORTH!

-GM, master of le happystance.

Let's do this.

My brainstorming thus far has barely born fruit, but with any luck I'll have a clearer idea of what I want to do for this one.

Sorry if I'm just not reading this wrong, but would this be for Enchorus chapter/s or for some kind of side story?

Okay then. I was working on something and was having trouble keeping it tidy and focused. What would be the preferred method I request for help with that? Do I stuff here or what?

I have issues with discord at the moment, I'll see what I can do with google docs before I resort to pestering you through private messaging.

When I'm able I'll be trying to keep an eye this thread, so let us know.

Sorry for the unannounced drop. :twilightsheepish: For the record, I'm also working on a second piece involving Suzie and her Button's honeymoon... and a certain power armored bounty hunter.

Cool! Thanks for checking in!

To everyone: I need to apologise too, for being so absent on this. To say no more than absolutely necessary, I've been unwell and unable to focus on writing or editing, among other things. I'm trying to ease back into it now, and I intend to continue to get better.

To contribute: I've done a quick strawpoll to pick an idea from my WIP list to work on, and appropriately enough for the theme, the one that everyone wants to see is the one that nearly had the working title "Celestia City Sitcom". Prepare for shenanigans, folks.

So, yeah, still working on the Suzie/Samus snip, but then I got sidetracked on a personal note. Possibly too personal. I submit it to the approval of the Midnight Society here.

Horribly self-indulgent, yes, but cute, and you make it work. I approve. (And I'm in no position to criticise self-indulgence, after 127.)

Also, you got further than I have, and I'm supposedly running this thing. Good job; Glowstick can expect a delivery of cookies soon.

And one more, as promised. And this time I got to finish an idea I had over a decade ago!

Group Admin

Congrats on being the only one to have any finished products! :derpytongue2:

-GM, master of confetti.

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I promise, I am working on stuff, just... a lot slower than I'd like. Look, proof!:

“All I’m saying is, we could have given him a chance, yaknow?” Jack O’Neill complained. The… man… he was trying to argue with, however, was not moved.

“He was a man with nothing left to live for,” Ba’al informed him, with that irritating air of I know better that his kind seemed incapable of unlearning. “I did him a favour.”

“C’mon, Teal’c, back me up here.” Jack looked to his comrade, his last link to what he’d had… had before.

Teal’c’s dark face, however, was as unyielding as stone. “I concur, O’Neill.”

Jack frowned, trying to get his head around the idea. “You’re agreeing with Ba’al?’re agreeing with Ba’al?

“As strange as that may seem O’Neill, sometimes he is correct.”

He’d been a colonel in the United States Air Force, once… no, twice. But that had been taken from him.

Just another mission, it had been. So basic, and yet it had gone so wrong; a simple perimeter check had turned into an alliance of convenience, a failed hasty retreat, and then… them. The Collection.

It must have been a debacle, back home: a routine check-in, disrupted first by Goa’uld forces, then the swarm of whatever-the-hell-they-were; half the team missing in action on another planet, presumed dead. Sometimes he wondered if Stargate Command were still looking for them.

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