The (Not So) Cynical Creators Guild 232 members · 1,008 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Thought it was about time I changed up the group theme, so I went and generated one with ai using the furryrock model. :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle


I'm not usually a fan of AI stuff, but I actually like this one.

The calm snowy forest background is nice, feels right for this time of year.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


I did like how the backgrounds were coming out. Biggest trouble, actually, was that something in the size I was generating with was making it screw up faces. I figured out that I could fix it by making it do two passes. Basically, it'd generate a screwed up version, and the second pass would fix things. It's largely the 1000 x 250 messing with things. AI tends to have certain sizes it works better with.

The misty snowy forest did come out pretty well, and it does make for a good winter theme. Not as sure on the icon, as part of me thinks I should have gone with the bunny mage I generated before that, or something more connected with the forest hike. The deer mage could be connected, though...

--Sweetie Belle

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