The (Not So) Cynical Creators Guild 232 members · 1,008 stories
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Hey guys. Back with a new story idea. This one is a bit outside my comfort zone as I am still pretty novice in terms of how Pokemon really works, so I would very much like your input. With that in mind, hold on to your butts!

So, the story starts out like any other Pokemon story. Ami Windu is of age to become a Pokemon Trainer and selects her starter Pokemon. She starts going out into the world, collecting Pokemon, and catching the latest legendary Pokemon of the game that'd be on the cover. However, judging by the title of the story and by the Main Character's last name, a certain Jedi Master will play a very big role in the story.

It's still a work in progress, however. I still need to learn all of the tropes that Pokemon does in every single one of their games to make this story work, plus with a very strong hint of my usual interdimensional crossover shenanigans, but not strong enough to distract Ami from becoming a Pokemon Master.

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