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From Repair to Despair by A Man Undercover

  • This feels like an actual Three Stooges episode.


  • While this is Pinkie, the flying machine going unnoticed stretches believability.
  • The story is in desperate need of an editor to fix its construction, it doesn't flow properly and give the reader a sense of investment.
  • The constant break in perspective in chapter 3 wasn't necessary and could have been handled better.

While more work could be done on the lead-up to Starlight this was a good take on writing a Three Stooges based story. It hits all the major points for what I expect an episode of theirs to follow so I give kudos for keeping to the spirit of the old show. Unfortunately, comedy is subjective, and I'm not particularly a fan of the slapstick, absurdist humor of the Three Stooges, but I can see the appeal it could have for those that enjoy it. The stooges all act the way they should in-universe and the hijinks they cause are responded to properly by the other characters.

Story idea: 8/10
Writing style: 5/10
Characterization: 9/10

Total: 22/30 or 7.3/10

A gratitude of thanks, my good man. It’s nice of you to take the time to review this story.


  • The story is in desperate need of an editor to fix its construction, it doesn't flow properly and give the reader a sense of investment.

You’ve said that in all two of the reviews you made on all two of my current stories.

What do you mean by that, exactly?

An example would be this:

She feels very agitated. Ever since last night, her computer hasn't been processing anything she typed. She's also stuck on the same page, unable to move to the next part. She's been trying to use it so that she can complete her history test for school, but so far, her computer is preventing her from finishing, even while she’s so close. When it happened last night, she at first thought that everything would be alright in the morning. But she thought wrong. Now, she has been sitting here for what felt like an hour, and still her computer won't work.

should be written as such (from my understanding/experience);

She felt extremely agitated. Ever since last night, her computer had failed to respond to any of the keys she had pressed . She had been stuck on the same screen, unable to issue any commands or run any programs. She had been trying to use it to complete a history test she had for school, but so far, her computer was preventing her from finishing. What made it worse was that she was so close to finishing too. When she had noticed the problems last night, she assumed that the problem would have gone away by this morning after having shut it down for a few hours. But she thought wrong. Now, she'd been sitting here for what felt like an hour, and still, her computer won't work.

I see.

While I understand your concerns, unfortunately, I have no interest in changing my style of writing for my stories.

It’s mainly because, number one, I want to give the readers the impression of what’s happening now rather than before, something that I find past tense is failing to do. Secondly, based on personal experience alone from reading some books that used past tense narrative, I’ve actually been finding myself completely confused at what was going on and when it was happening, and it would get very disorienting and tiring. Thirdly, past tense has become too commonly used in the writing industry, and for me, when that happens to something, I find that to become too bland.

Fair enough. I don't want to discourage you from writing the way you want, just bear in mind, present tense is one of the hardest tenses to write in. Not only due to most sentences sounding a bit clunky when trying to write them this way, but also due to very few books even being written this way, so getting references for how to do better are few and far between. The things I would suggest are these; either dip your feet in past tense for a few stories to get some experience with writing and receive feedback from the most amount of people on how to improve, write in first person present as this tends to be the easiest to write of the present tense'es, or read up on how to write screenplays as this will give you a good starting point for third person present.

But I would be remiss to not give you the proper suggestions for that paragraph.
Here is the first person present"

I feel extremely agitated. Starting last night, my computer has failed to respond to any of the keys I press. I'm stuck on the same screen, unable to issue any commands or run any programs. I'm trying to use it to complete a history test I have for school, but so far, my computer is preventing me from finishing it. What made it worse is that I'm so close to finishing too. When I noticed the problems last night, I assumed that the problem would have gone away by now after having shut it down for a few hours. But I thought wrong. Now, I'm sitting here for what's felt like an hour, and still, my computer won't work.

and here is the third person present;

Starlight feels extreme agitation at her current predicament. It had started last night, her computer failing to respond to any of the keys she presses. She is stuck on the same screen, unable to issue any commands or run any programs. She's trying to use it to complete a history test she has for school, but at the moment, her computer is preventing her from finishing. What made it worse is that she's so close too. When she noticed the problems last night, she had assumed that the problem would be gone by now, after having shut it down for a few hours. But she had thought wrong. Now, she's sitting here for what's felt like an hour to her, and still, her computer won't work.

[note; I am TERRIBLE at third person present, so take what I wrote there with a grain of salt.]

I just noticed this, but the paragraph I chose at random is the perfect example of why the present tense is so hard. Due to your writing needing to be consistently one tense, when writing about something that happened in the past when the story is in the present you don't exactly write it as you would say it. If you read through your version of the paragraph you might notice you use the past tense in several of the sentences.

I figured I’d let you know that chapter 6 of my story came out a while back. Of course, at the moment I’m not exactly sure whether you often review a story by chapter or if you’d even want to.

I tend to just go back to read new chapters to stories I review when I get the time.

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