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My Little Bot: Fanfiction is Magic by BradyBunch

How long has Harry Potter and the Portrait of what Looked Like a Large Pile of Ash been a thing, and why wasn’t fanfic like this not written previously? Seriously, in my opinion, this is how a random fic should be done. The absurdist humor works here more than in other fics that want to be random because at no point does anything make sense, it never attempts to take itself seriously. Reading this story, I was motivated to try my hand at the type of story myself. It… didn't look good. But, the fact that this story got me interested enough to attempt to copy it speaks volumes of its novelty.

Now, for the negatives. This was a little too random. It might be due to the site not allowing a fic with less than 1000 words, but this fic just didn't feel like a true recreation of what it seems based on. A major problem comes from the overuse of adjectives. While a joke with fanfics is their verbose, dragging, overly detailed use of flourishing words to expand and bloat the vast word counts found in their tedious, prolonged, works of crafted literary work, this went a little too far. While it is fine that there was a great deal of randomness, the amount of description given to everything was a bit too much. If the story would have just said something happened and left it at that, rather than saying that there was something special about that this thing the fic would have been exemplary.

Final scores:

Originally; 9/10, as I said, I have not seen a fic on the site that has attempted to do the bot written fic before. As such I must commend its novelty.

Humor; 7/10, this is a style of random that I prefer, while the limitations of the site are most likely the cause of the fic being written in a way that doesn't perfectly match the original, it was still an excellent job.

Enjoyment; 7/10, again, the overly verbose way that this story was written was something that hurt my enjoyment of it. While it would not be able to be posted on the site, if the fic was about 2-300 words less than it would be the go-to on how to translate the premise over to this fandom, rather than just an example of what the premise is like.

Final score; 23/30, or 7.66/10. This as I said, was a novel premise. While I would have preferred that this story be a better example of why I love bot generated content the fact still remains that this is the only story I know of where the author was brave enough to take the risk at making a bot made story.

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