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Half an hour or bust!
Writer: TheMajorTechie
Genre: Comedy, Random
Read: Completed at 1105 Words, 1 Chapter
Rating: 7/10
Recommendation: Read if you like fast-paced and absurd comedy.

Apparently, this was a challenge by TheMajorTechie to see how much they could write in half an hour. The result is a chaotic fever dream of good jokes, bad jokes, references and memes with basically no resemblance to coherent writing. And that's good.
The writing flows well, and the sequence of events can be understood, as in it is legible and highly amusing, not that it makes any logical sense whatsoever. But it doesn't really need to either; its funny and that's the only thing that matters here. The story starts out slow, with Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. It ends with the entire universe being reset. It escalates well, with each scenario being more absurd than the list. I particularly enjoyed Spike's brief role, and how it sums up a large part of the fandom's opinion of him.

Comedy is subjective, but to me, at least, this is comedy. The jokes are well timed and for the most part well executed. The writer is self-aware enough to make the absurdity tongue-in-cheek instead of just plainly confusing and some will find the references littered throughout the story to be more than hilarious.

Overall, I would recommend this story to anyone looking for a few laughs and some light reading. It isn't the next Monty Python, but it doesn't need to be. TheMajorTechie executes his premise well enough and his fast style of writing and use of a Lemony narrator makes this any enjoyable read.

Plot: N/A
Characters: Identifiable yet crazy, 3/5
Style: Had me laughing the whole way through but memes and pop-culture references are for not everyone, 3/5
Execution: Well done, 4/5
Overall Rating: 10/15 = 7/10

To TheMajorTechie: Keep it up; I liked this and I'll be reading more of your work. You pull off the frequent use of italics and it is refreshing to read a narrator with such a distinct voice. If I have to give any advice for this sort of thing, it would be to use longer chapters so that each of these random ideas can be properly expanded upon in future.

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