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Summary: Ever since the Friendship Games, Sunny Flare has been noticing how wrong everything looks. How things are almost normal, and how they're horrifically different. Some people don't cast a shadow. Some people smile just a bit too wide. Some people have an unquenchable thirst for blood. And all of them are beginning to notice her too.

Overall thoughts: When I first started reading this story, I felt very engrossed in wanting to know what was going on with Sunny Flare, and I couldn't put it down, and it didn't leave me wanting more, however it did leave me with questions, which isn't always a bad thing. I found the portrayal of the characters to be rather good despite their little show time in the movie. Gave me more of a sense of Sunny Flare's character. 8/10

Creativity: I feel this is a very unique and creative idea. It's not often you see many pieces that focus on the members of Crystal Prep, and it was fun to learn more about Sunny, and Sugar Coat, while having the ever familiar Sunset there to help bring it all together. 9/10

Grammar: I didn't really see anything that stood out to me. I felt the descriptions went really well and the inner monologue of Sunny Flare helped to tie everything together. 10/10

Additional thoughts: Wow, never thought I'd be reviewing another reviewer. I really enjoyed this piece, and your style is certainly interesting. I look forward to seeing how you grow from here!

Overall Score: 8/10

Thanks mate. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I will be writing more in the EqG universe by the way.

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