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ESweets for a sweet
It's nightmare night in Ponyville, and Bonbon's closing up shop before her date with Lyra at the Apple families costume party.
SkywardSword · 2.3k words · 535 views

Summary: It's nightmare night in Ponyville, and Bonbon's closing up shop before her date with Lyra at the Apple families costume party.

What can I say besides this is going to be short and sweet for one of the best times of the year?

Overall thoughts: This is just a simple short sweet story about two lovers having a good time on Nightmare Night. The story feels like it could very well happen with these two, and never at any point did I feel either were out of character, and the narrator doesn't distract from my enjoyment of the story, but that may be different depending on your opinion. 8/10

Creativity: I'm sure this idea has been done before, but even if it's not the most creative it's still an enjoyable read that leaves me smiling at the end of the day. 7/10

Grammar: Now, I do believe the grammar could probably use a bit of work. There are certain spots where I feel it could have been a lot better at what it was trying to get across. However, it's certainly not bad. Just could use with a bit of an overhaul in certain spots. 6/10

Additional thoughts: I think this is a very cute and simple idea, and at the end of the day, I feel if you just want a simple story that will leave you with a good feeling by the end of it, this is a quick and easy read. I enjoyed it myself, even with the few issues it did have. I'm certain Wolf Green can only improve from here. Keep up the good work, my friend.

Overall Score: 7/10

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