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The Bricklayer
Group Contributor

Okay, I’m a cute sort of guy. By that, I mean I’m willing to write cute little things. Just ask Strat, or anyone else who’s seen some of the one-shots I do. So, by that logic, I think I’d be perfect to review this particular story.

One Small Ponecat is… well, it’s shameless cute really. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing wrong really with that in the end. It does make it actually rather difficult to review sadly, although I will try with the best of my ability to actually do this story.

Now, a few things you need to know. This whole Adagio/Trixie thing started in Four’s “A Shattered Rainbow Rock” and has been going on for a while now. Now, is this needed for you to get the story? I’d argue maybe a little, but it’s not completely necessary as this story is sorta stand-alone. Now. The basic premise is simple enough really. Human Trixie is turned into her pony self, who acts a bit like your average house cat, and Adagio is very, very confused although she does adapt to the situation.

As I said, this story is just shameless cute and fluff. Mind you, it’s not without a little bit of substance. Trixie is more than a bit afraid of her transformation, and Adagio like any good girlfriend is there for her at least until it wears off.

Okay, I will be honest. I am having difficulty finding a lot of things to say about this particular story really. If in all honesty, I’d like to say this story is too short but I can’t even say that. It handles pacing well enough, and it’s not milked beyond it’s worth. So, quite honestly… I give this score with a bit of hesitation, but… shrugs


Now, let it be said I am a major fan of Temp… clears throat Sorry, Fizzlepop Berrytwist. But you know what I’m also a fan of? Stories not about her, and stories focused on the less developed characters from the movie. Like Captain Celeano. She was probably the least developed character in the entire film. Like, literally her own aspect was “Yo-Ho, good pirate!” and that was it. Seriously, that was it.

Now, I admit I’d actually forgotten about this story, least until it popped up in my review queue. Bit of a shame really, as this is actually a really good story in all honesty. See, I love fics that really get inside a character’s head and show us what exactly they were thinking about at specific points in their lives. Captain Celeano and her crew were such a… well, let’s say a colorful group of individuals and it's a shame we saw so little of them in the movie. Thank god for expanded material eh?

Now… Now, this story right here, it really brought home the kind of attitude and the kind of despair her and her crew must have been feeling during the Storm King’s reign.

Seriously, this story is one of those hidden gems I would love anyone to stumble across. And here’s the amazing thing. Apparently, it was this author’s first time writing the good Captain. Well, I’m convinced. It feels like Celaeno's voice, and that is the important thing.


Or in other words… Why haven’t you read this yet?

ESome Days Are Hard
Celaeno does her job and doesn't cause trouble for the Storm King. Most days, she's able to go to bed feeling only mostly empty, but some days... some days are hard.
NightScript · 2.7k words  ·  40  2 · 891 views
EOne Smol Ponecat
Trixie's been turned into one smol fluffy pone... and Adagio can't stop petting her.
FourShadow · 3.3k words  ·  203  13 · 3.4k views
Azure Drache
Group Admin

I remember the moment you picked One Smol Ponecat, just a minute before I could:derpytongue2:

Thank you so much for taking the time to review my story. I'm so glad that I could write something that others could find enjoyment in. It really motivates me to keep going when I see that my works make other people happy.

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