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The Bricklayer
Group Contributor

Okay, now. This story. My feelings are… sorta divided really. On the one hand, it is a really sweet story at times. I do admit that. However, on the other hand, this does feel like an accusation or apology fic at times. Take this exchange for example. 

“You had good intentions.. You did it because you cared for her. Just like how you cared for the rest of your subjects.” Ember put a claw on his shoulder as she wiped the now-streaming tears from the changeling’s face. “Besides, if there’s anyone here who’s supposed to feel guilty...” It was Ember’s turn to avert her gaze as she finished her sentence. “It’s me.”

“What do you me—“

“You know what I mean!” Ember was trying her hardest not to yell. “I went as to far as to accuse you of stealing Smolder! I was an idiot! I-I...” She then sighed. “I was being a bad friend. And I’m s—“ she struggled to say the word she was aiming for. “I’m so... I’m sorr... eee...” Dragons weren’t used to verbal apologies, so it took them a while to pronounce the “s” word. But after a minute or two of sputtering and struggling, she finally uttered, “I’m sorry.”

After sniffling a few times and wiping the remaining of his tears once Ember had finished speaking, it was Thorax’s turn to reassure his friend with a smile on his face. “I’ve already forgiven you for that.”

“You have?” She gazed up at him. “But why? I—“

“You’re still my friend, and you know that,” Thorax said simply. “Heck, even if the war had started, I would’ve still forgiven you.” Ember’s smile returned, though after a moment the changeling added, “I just hope Ocellus could forgive me.

This does feel like it’s taken right out of every accusation fic I can think of if not dressed up a bit and such. It feels like it’s meant to reassure the reader, really. Tell them that everything’s still okay between Ember and Thorax. While it is cute, I did get the warm and fuzzies I will say that it still feels a bit too much like an apology/accusation fic for my tastes. The thing is, if the whole intent of this was vent writing, why not do it in a blog?

Now, the entire story itself isn’t bad per say, like it’s really cute at times. Especially that ending scene. But I still get the entire feeling this story was vent writing really, just to make the author feel better about himself, and alleviate some feelings. I don’t say this to be harsh, I’m just nothing my honest opinion for the record. Now, I admit this story does do a good job of showcasing the characters of everyone involved. Ember having a hard time saying sorry? Feels perfectly in character for her. Thorax not sure what to do at times, and having struggles with leadership? Also feels in character for him. And Pharynx, trying to be supportive as best as he can, while being somewhat aloof? Also in character. 

I’m just not sure what to rate this story honestly. Like, it’s really difficult to decide. It feels very… average.

5/10, with a proviso that this is up to your interpretation of the characters and the story’s events.

[Unpublished stories cannot be embedded]

Well, I understand your opinion on this story, and yeah, it was intended to be an accusation fic. Either way, thanks for the review!

The Bricklayer
Group Contributor

Hey, I like reviewing stories, even the less than... shall we say less than admirable ones? It was a pleasure.

Yeah, you’re right. I’m still a new writer, so it’s not the best story I’ve ever done. But I’ll keep trying.

just to make the author feel better about himself

Who’s ‘him?’

If you’re curious, yes, I’m a her. Just wanted to clarify, and I actually found the “him” part kinda funny :rainbowlaugh:

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