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TA Big Hug
Daring Do finds an interesting creature. She isn't going to take care of it, so she brings it to the Royal Sisters to deal with. Surely they can handle it, right?
David Silver · 8.4k words  ·  206  10 · 3.6k views

Summary: Daring Do finds an interesting creature. She isn't going to take care of it, so she brings it to the Royal Sisters to deal with. Surely they can handle it, right?

Initial thoughts: Okay, so clearly this was commissioned by a user to initially be a one shot that went into so much more. It's cute, charming, and I just want to hug Tsuki for all of his lovable charms. I admit I hadn't been feeling that great lately, and this story is like on a sugar high with how sweet and fluffy it is. If you haven't stumbled upon this go read it. Like do it now. 9/10

Creativity: They often say you can make a story out of anything, and the creativity here is certainly not the first or last of it's kind. However, the execution feels just right. It builds up to leave you wanting more, which is never a bad thing. 8/10

Grammar: I wish there was a bit more description at certain spots, but the flow of the dialogue does enough justice on it's own to make up for what lacks in the description. 7/10

Characterization: Luna and Tsuki even if Tsuki is an oc, are both wonderful here. They compliment each other well. And to avoid spoilers I won't say more. Not a lot to say here. It's good. 10/10

Overall thoughts: I went "aww" this is so cute, but is cute enough to warrant a story? Sure, it can be, if you do it right. I can clearly see why people would pay this pony to write for them. I may not know much about him yet, but I hope maybe that will change in the future. Keep up the great work.

Final score: 9/10
Keep up the good work!
Have any issues? Please let me know. And as always, I'm here to help.

What a glowing review, thank you kindly! I admit my fault in tending to focus on conversations over describing the scenery.

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