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TMy Crazy Ex
Restraining orders may be imminent...
23 KM To Nerdiness · 45k words  ·  187  17 · 4.9k views

I read: Completed as of this review at 15,900 words, 10 chapters
I rate: 7/10
I recommend: Read if you like romantic comedy or want to see OCs suffer

Right then. You know how everyone has an OC right? Probably thought the poor bugger up when you were 14 and its real obvious that he’s just a genderbent version of Twilight? No? Well, I did. He appears in this story and, oddly enough, TheKMEexperience writes him better than I could. Shine on Mirage Chime, you utter loser.

Reminiscing aside, the idea here is that the author ships OCs with canon characters. However, what stops this being a terrible idea is that the ships all sink. This is called My Crazy Ex for a reason and each story features a different OC/self-insert recounting his experiences with a member of the cast and how the regret ever meeting them/working out/playing a thinly-veiled expy of Pokemon Go. Thus, there isn’t really a central plot or mood here and each anthology varies quite wildly in tone - some are just funny and some are disturbingly plausible.

In terms of characters, as I’ve said before, the OCs are actually done pretty well. Most have distinct voices and sound like real people with real lives and horrible taste in women. However, said woman/ponies aren’t as great. The writer takes a lot of leaps in making them all crazy - ranging from Sunset being a manipulative madwoman to Applejack being straight-up dishonest. Obviously, some are handled well are in character enough for the story to work. Others take a bit of mental gymnastics to get behind.

The style itself is surprisingly enjoyable. The narration really sounds like the OC in question is just telling this all to you over a drink or two at the local bar and conversational style goes a long to making the comedy relatable and, thus, effective. The conclusions (saying whatever the OC did next) are also a nice touch and a bit of closure to the various stories.

Plot: 3/5. The plots are generally varied and original, but some are harder to get behind than others.
Characters: 3/5. OCs are done well but the romantic interests can be hit and miss and sometimes fall dramatically out of character in order to justify their crazy.
Style: 4/5. Its conversational and comedic. No complaints.
Execution: 4/5. My only question is why nobody thought to do this sort of thing sooner.
Overall Rating: 14/20 = 7/10

To the KMExperience: Please, keep this up. I like what you’re doing here and more than surpassed my expectations with the story I requested. However, I do advise that you maybe think twice about the ships - it seems like you have a list of plot and assign vaguely fitting names to each of them. Maybe start with the shipped character in mind and work back from that to decide the plot? Also, just amping up the characters already extant flaws is a lot easier and more believable than creating random personality defects nobody can expect.

For something like this: Honestly, this is very distinctive, namely as the KMExperience is currently offering to write one of the stories featuring your own OC or self-insert. As such, I can’t really predict anything similar due wide variety of characters and plots involved. So I’ll just tell you to go read Textbook Soldier because it is an OC/Canon ship with the twist that the OC is fictional in universe. Or, at least, he should be.

As always, if you liked this review, feel free to check out my writing here.

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