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After six months, Applejack finally gets Rainbow Dash's side of their break-up.
pabrony · 2.6k words  ·  32  8 · 2.2k views

Summary: This story is a sequel to Blast At The Beach, Part Deux

This story is also a sequel to A Leg Up

At a mid-week get together at Pinkie’s house, Applejack and Rainbow Dash finally settle their differences from six months prior.

Part of the AppleDash Diaries and the SciTwi Shimmer Chronicles.

Contains mild violence, mild cursing and implied sex.

Initial thoughts: Okay, first of all, I don't really follow this AU that much because most of the time the way Pabrony writes is just "okay" not terrible, not really anything special. It's just okay. And this story didn't even do that much for me. I'm just left wondering why? Why not write this with the emotion and raw feelings that a story like this should have had, but clearly doesn't. More detail about that below. 4/10

Characterization: The characters here are mainly AJ, a bit of Rainbow, and Rarity. And for what we get you could honestly put anyone in their spot and wouldn't know the difference. For someone who's been writing in the Equestria Girls universe and can't even make me feel this is the Aj we all know and love is rather disappointing, and just leaves me wondering if this was rushed out to get more of the AU series that Pabrony writes onto the site. 3/10

Grammar: Overall, not bad. I didn't check a lot. However, I feel I should mention the whole thing is like a chunk of DIALOGUE, and barely anything else. It just goes from Rarity, to AJ, to Rainbow Dash, and there's not enough description in this to know much about the characters. Granted we know them, but still describing the scenery around them can help set up the mood of the story, and there's a part with a letter, it doesn't even put miltary time into the piece. Highly disappointing, and I know Pabrony can do better. 4/10

Overall thoughts: Meh. Total pass. Even if you are a fan of the AU, I don't see anything here that makes it worth the like ten minutes it takes to read the story. Granted, if you just want to say "you've read all of the Au's" then yes, it's worth the time. Otherwise. Just no. I would highly recommend you go back and add more details and put more emotion in this story. For a story's concept that is based on someone apologizing for being in the wrong, I just felt nothing. And that is very bad in a story such as this. 4/10

Final score: 4/10 Hard pass/skip.
To Pabrony: Try reading books, and stories that focus on this conflict and try to FEEL the emotions that help to convey this story better, for right now it's just there's nothing really here. I wish you the best of luck with your future stories, and I hope this review has been helpful

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