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TEndurance · Fidelity · Intelligence
Scootaloo, feeling rather low after yet another run-in with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, meets a lonely stranger. He has a story to tell...
The Bricklayer · 4k words  ·  53  7 · 2.5k views

Summary: Scootaloo, feeling rather low after yet another run-in with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon and after being spilt apart from her two best friends, meets a lonely stranger. He has a story to tell. One of a hero, one of the freezing north, and one of a town who had lost almost all hope. He tells of a dog who embodied three words.

Endurance, Fidelity, and Intelligence

Maybe, just maybe, Scootaloo will take those words to heart and learn from them. And maybe... Just maybe she'll forgive herself as well, and take the time out to truly apologize to someone she should have.

Initial thoughts: Okay, first of all for all those who haven't actually read/watched the story of Balto (the actual real life verison.) what rock are you living under? Go read/watch it. Then come back.
Alright, this story is a crossover of Balto, mlp, and anon-a miss with a little bit of Doctor Who thrown in for comedic effect, and surprisingly it works. I don't know how to describe why it works, it just flows. You can tell in the scenes how Scootaloo relates to the tale of the ancient hero and wants to better herself after being such a horrible person to her friends. 7/10

Characterization: The way Brick mixes Scootaloo's intermoil struggle with the story of Balto, while somehow making it believable is quite charming, even heartwarming. However some people might not like how Scootaloo is framed as villain in order to learn a lesson. However, I personally enjoyed it. To each their own. It depends on how well you enjoy Scootaloo, for the focus is mainly on her. 7/10

Grammar: I didn't catch anything during my reading, however that doesn't mean the grammar is flawless. However it is well executed, and well written. Kudos. 9/10.

Overall thoughts: Would I recommend this? If you are a fan of the Anon-a-miss series, you will likely enjoy this telling, if you are a fan of Scootaloo learning a harsh lesson, you will probably like this. If you are a balto fan you will probably like this. Put all these elements together though and they might not seem to "mesh" but like I said, the way it's written it seems to just flow and end up feeling charming. I enjoyed it, but I'll let you readers decide what you think of it and recommend it. 8/10.

Final score: 8/10
To Bricklayer-
It is sad to know a fellow brother is no longer making stories, I miss you, but I do wish you the best in whatever you decide to do next. Love, Nailah.

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