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EMy Best Friend
Twilight Sparkle's best friend is always there for her when she's feeling down.
Vertigo22 · 1k words  ·  29  1 · 776 views

I read: Completed at 1k words, 1 chapter
I rate: 9/10
I recommend: Read it

You know, I used to the poindexter smart guy at my school. Then, one day, I figured that was no way to go through life and I decided to get straight Bs, pick up a sport or two, and start hanging out with the kids who drank even at fourteen. Ended up dropping out of high school actually. Never. Been. Happier.

Anyhow, that aside into my life out of the way, hopefully for good, the story. Twilight is a kid and she’s the smart kid. Of course, Tall Poppy Syndrome applies here and everyone her age seems to hate her for it. As such she confides in her doll, Smarty Pants, and hopes sincerely that her life shall improve. Don’t worry; it does. See the show and find out for yourself.

As you may have gathered, this story is basically a giant monologue. However, Vertigo22 has her voice on point and listening to Twilight yak on about how everyone’s jealous of her and how her parents are at their wits end is actually quite an entertaining experience here. The writer tugs on the heartstrings just right and shows her character to be likeable and sympathizable in her complaints with her life - many of us have also been there ourselves, myself included, and this adds another layer of empathy. Twilight also is definitely shown to be a child as well, which is also appreciable. While booksmart, she certainly isn’t an adult and her confusion about her parents’ own struggles is especially poignant and humanizing.

Overall this is a really nice piece of backstory and something than I really can imagine actually happening in the canon. Its short, its sad, but it knows what it is and it is that thing very well - that thing being a rather touching oneshot about the ills of social ostracisation and other big words.

Plot: 3/5. Twilight whines at the doll for 1k words. Its fine, but nothing more than that really.
Characters: 5/5. Twilight is written spectacularly here and what glimpses we as readers get of her parents also work well.
Style: 4/5. Style here is very sincere and melancholic while also betraying Twilight’s innocence and intelligence both.
Execution: 5/5. Good work on all accounts.
Overall Rating: 17/20 = 9/10

To Vertigo22: Nice work. This is heartfelt and you have a good grasp on writing Twilight and children in general. My advice for improving this would be perhaps to have Twilight explain with more detail how she gets picked on and how her parents and teachers react to it, but that isn’t too necessary either because I think that this story’s brevity works in its favour by not dragging out any angst or melancholy either. Going forward, I’d say to keep it up - maybe write a sequel to this having the now Princess Twilight reminisce about the doll and how it helped her through tough times in the past?

For something like this: Icarus's Lover also talks about child prodigies and whatnot, albeit in a more drawn out and humanized setting.

If you liked this review, feel free to check out more of my writing here.

I greatly appreciate the review! ^_^ As for a sequel.... that may not happen due to other commitments. Though I'll keep it in mind should a good enough idea with what you suggest come to mind.

Also, this was terrifically well written. Great work!

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