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Nailah notes- "Hello, every creature. Trying something new today. Work has been kicking my flank lately! I've been super busy, and when I'm not busy I just feel all "blargh" and can't feel motivated to do much, which is so unlike me. I'm one of the most productive reviewers on here, and I feel bad that I haven't got my usual amount of reviews out this month, but what can I expect working retail around the holidays eh? That and my laptop almost died, thankfully my grandfather is super amazing and really talented, so here I am once more! Now enough about me, on with the review...

EA Spark of Love
After an intense magic lesson, Starlight feels like her teachings are falling on deaf ears. Trixie notices the change in Starlight’s attitude, but what can she do about it?
RCharge · 2.7k words  ·  82  3 · 3k views

Summary of Story here: Trixie has been taking lessons from Starlight Glimmer on how to hone her magic into something more focused and malleable. However, it turns out that Trixie’s magic is too unstable for Starlight to handle. When Trixie sees Starlight’s outburst, she tries to make it up to her in the only way she knows how.

Initial thoughts: I must say I am a big fan of the Starlight GlimmerxTrixie ship, so obviously this intrigued me, as well at that "romance" tag. However, the story falls short on impressing me, but I'll get into that in a bit. 7/10

What I liked: The atmosphere. You could tell how easily something like this could have been an episode, and the way it is written, it almost plays out like one. However, there isn't really any conflict. Starlight Glimmer gets annoyed and walks off, and then they end up making up in the end. It's like what was the point? I enjoyed the romance, even if I feel it was "barely" there, but I'll get more into that.

What I didn't like: Lack of romance, and cuddles. Yeah, you have that romance tag, but you aren't taking full advantage of that. I don't know if it's time constricts, or just word count, but it just feels very rushed, and in a way forced. Not like you need to force a relationship with this two, they make a very good couple. It's just the execution here for lack of a better word, fails. I also don't like how there's basically no stakes in this story. What really happens here? Starlight gets annoyed with Trixie, and then they make up. That's it? Nothing more? Granted, I could see how this could have been an episode for young kids to understand that you need to take time and have patience when learning something new, but I still feel it lacks.

Grammar: I found no issues here. 10/10

Characterzation: The characterization here is very well thought out, I found both Starlight, and Trixie to be believable. Granted I don't feel Starlight would be as nervous as she was, but first time jitters and all, so I'll give it a pass. 8/10

Story/Concept: The concept here is bare bones. There isn't much too it and honestly there is a lot more you could do with it, like for example with the whole Starlight teaching Trixie, could have been expanded on to show just how frustrating it is to deal with Trixie, and then have Starlight realize she's not giving enough of her own time and guidance into truly helping Trixie to learn all she needs to know about magic. 6/10

Overall thoughts: I liked this story, but I wasn't impressed. It's one of those things were it just came off as "okay" in my books. Which isn't bad, but it's not really great here. I only recommend this if you like Trixie and Starlight pieces, and like a bit of fluff but not much substance to it. 7/10

Final score: 7+10+8+6+7=38/50

To RCharge: I hope my reviews has helped you gain insight, and showed you some helpful things for the future, however please do continue being awesome and providing us with stories, for you can only improve from here.

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