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I Care, But They don't by Lunestia StoryHart

Ok, so, first, before I do my comedic spiel and give a jank summary of the story, that title. For those of you that don’t know, or thought this was untrue, there is no hard rule that the title of literally anything has to follow. You could, if you so pleased, have the proper name for something be lowercase. It’s not common, it’s not encouraged, but you could do it. My issue here is that it is only the last word that isn’t following the general practice of capitalising all/most of the words (that is a whole other set of ‘rules’). It bothers me due to its randomness and inconsistency.

Now, on to the review proper.

I don’t know what to do here.

Seriously, I am at a lack of what to do because I don't know how you actually review something like this. As the author notes in their last chapter/author notes, this is a sort of diary/blogpost/RP-thing; so any criticism feels like criticizing their life, and that's a little outside of the purview of what I do here. So, while I will review this as a story and pretend that the last chapter doesn’t exist so that I feel less like the Arschgeige I am outside of reviewing, I won’t be scoring it or using my usual format of reviews.

As a story, this is a bit lacking. Now I know everyone will claim I say that about every story that is this short, and they’re right, but in something like this, there needs to me far more words. I know I have a terrible habit of exposition dumping rather than letting things happen/be shown organically, but even I have to admit that this being all exposition is a little much. The themes being handled are interesting and make for a good outline of a story, but there is not enough development here in these themes to really be a good story.

Further, there is an issue with the writing. There were often missing words and whole sentences that looked like they needed some work done to them to make sure that the idea and impact that the author was going for remained/was improved. So this, added on to the fact that this was less than 2K words, made for a reading experience that amounted to what I would consider an outline or proof of concept.

In the future, I would suggest either developing the ideas of the ‘story’ or making it a blog post, because as it is, it feels like a ‘life update/How I’ve Been Doing’ blog as told through the lense of a ponysona.

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