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A small oneshot story about discovering who you truly are, through Ocellus's prospective.
Nailah · 3.1k words  ·  76  3 · 3.2k views

Reflections! So what is there to say? Reflections starts with Ocellus our dearest changeling pondering about what it means to be a changeling and how her being one affects the environment and the friends around her, she feels doubt and a low self esteem about herself, being also self conscious of her being a changeling at all. The situation will be savaged so to say by not Thorax, as many would have guessed but instead from Pharynx, the most hard hearted of the changelings, the one who usually shows no mercy and all that, grumpy to a fault but this time he is the one who helped a confused heart to find a way.

So what exactly happened is the question, Ocellus doubts herself as a changeling, she fears the day she will hurt her friends because of her nature, she is not exactly jealous but tiny little bit envy of the other races, so sure of themselves and of what they are. Her main problem is that she is unsure of who she is, as a changeling having personality issues is almost normal, or so Starswirl says.

The personality issue and her own fear of herself really hits her hard and so she recludes herself in her room, it is then that we encounter Pharynx, who got lost. His excuse is that the map Thorax gave him is difficult to read, may be true actually. So he grabs Ocellus and drags her outside to teach her a thing or two about the changelings as a whole race, she tells him her doubts, about them being monsters, how they only hurt creatures, Pharynx replies that yes changelings had a dark history, doesn’t mean one should forget it or destroy it. That even if changelings were evil she should still be proud of being one, and that of course the most important thing is not the circumstances of one’s birth that matter, it what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.

And Ocellus takes that to the heart, Thorax later on arrives to the field, reprimanding his brother about his rush decision. Ocellus asks him how do you discover who you really are, unfortunately for her that is a question only her can answer to, in time.

SO that’s the plot in a nutshell, now this story is a one shot so you will have to read the whole thing to actually enjoy it, which I suggest. What I suggest for the author, focus more on re reading the whole story over and over to find errors of any kind, Now for the grades!

Idea: 8/10 The idea behind the story is one that was used fairly often but not that much to be common.

Characters: 10/10 The characters are well written, the dialogues between them are almost spot on really making the story shine through them.

Grammar: 7/10 grammatically the fic is ok, but some errors are there, errors that a proofreader could easily find with a bit of care into it. But otherwise the grammar is good, the sentences are ok and they do not feel cranky or mechanical.

Final score: 8.3/10 A good fic with a solid start and an even more solid characterization. I recommend it for the sheer emotional value that it holds over Ocellus and the other characters. The author made a fantastic work into making the reader think about what Ocellus is going through, for a non shapeshifter like us, the topic may be difficult to understand but if you just think about it you discover the issue that afflicts poor Ocellus and just how much Pharynx helped. A good deserved Headpat in my opinion for the author.

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Oy Firefox! Nice review, it's pretty interesting to see how your thoughts on this story are different from my own in that review I did last year :derpytongue2:

I do think you could be a little more specific, though? As it stands less than half of the review talks about what you actually think about this story. What d'you think made the characterisation good? How did Nailah make you understand Ocellus' situation, and why do you think it was particularly powerful? Stuff like that.

Though I totally understand resorting to generalisations. I do that too, when I'm too lazy to elaborate on stuff :rainbowlaugh:

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