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Light Heart101
Group Contributor

Written by

The Red Parade

Provided description: Rainbow Dash never got over her fear of flying in airplanes, but when its the only option for her to get back to Ponyville, she'll just have to face her fears. But things quickly go sideways when she suddenly has to find a way to land the plane safely. To make matters worse, her co-pilot is none other than an old rival, the mare talking her through landing is her old commanding officer, and the plane itself isn't in great condition. Can Rainbow find a way to land the plane without killing everypony on board? What exactly is the statue of Nameless the Unnameable, who used to be a king? Is Dr. Hooves really a doctor? (Don't worry, he is a doctor). Find out now in Mareplane!, The Red Parade's first and only attempt at writing something remotely amusing.

Analysis: This story is loosely based on the old movie Airplane which was a time when a lot of comedy was random, and the writing here reflects that. I'll have to admit that I have never watched it, so it makes my ability to catch some of these jokes hard. I admittedly feel like some of the jokes were hit and miss for me. There would be some jokes that I caught, and some things that I had a hard time understanding. I had to look at this with a new mindset, needing to make sure I don't take anything too seriously. It will mess with your mindset of reading if you look at it logically.

Writing: 8/10 There are a few times where I can't tell who is talking due to there being no indication of who is talking.

The plot of the story: 9:10 I am actually impressed that this story was able to focus on a plotline in spite of the pure randomness. It focused on the flight needing to make an emergency landing.

Story flow: 7:10 If you look at it from a logical standpoint then it will be hard to understand. Also, if you haven't watched the show there may be parts you won't get. It's going to be a barrage of jokes flying at you. Some won't make sense, others will be worthy of eye rolls, but there will be some which will get a good laugh out of you. I'm putting this lower due to how sporadic the story is.

Final score. 8:10

How to improve: I'd just like some clarity on who is talking in some of the parts.

“Airplane One, you are cleared for takeoff.”




“I don’t know.”

“No, I don’t know’s on third.”

“Shut up, Cloud.”

The flight dispatcher cleared their throat. “Contact Canterlot departure frequency on four-two-oh point niner.”

I know that this story wasn't supposed to make full sense, so I do give some leniency to the chaotic nature. If you all like fourth wall breaks and unique nonsensical writing, I think you may have fun with this story.

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