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ETwilight Tries Her Hoof at Writing
Twilight loves books and feels it's high-time she tried writing one. A problem arises when she realizes she has no idea what to write about. Thankfully Spike and Starlight are there to throw in their two bits.
the7Saviors · 4.3k words  ·  60  2 · 1.3k views

Summary of StoryTwilight loves books and feels it's high-time she tried writing one. A problem arises when she realizes she has no idea what to write about. Thankfully Spike and Starlight are there to throw in their two bits.

Naturally, Twilight is grateful for the help... but then they actually start pitching ideas.

Things proceed to go downhill from there.

Introduction section: Hello every pony! Ugh. This past week has been rough on me. And honestly I would've had this story done sooner if not for REAL LIFE stress. So I apologize to the The7Saviors for that. But other than that, I am here with a new review!

Initial thoughts: Twilight Sparkle wants to write a book. You would think that a mare like Twilight could write the book on how to write books with a laid out plan on each arc, chapters, and characters, but this story reminds me a lot of real life. Just because you think someone is good at something doesn't mean they are, nor that they will be able to get it right on the first go.

What I liked: The way this story was told. Usually telling in a story is bad, but this story is almost narrated in a way that it feels natural. I also liked how Spike and Starlight were used together to not only help Twilight, but also be themselves in their own unique way.

What I didn't like: Well. Honestly. There wasn't really anything I can bicker about here. Overall good characters, with a good solid plot, and the ability to put it all together.

Grammar: I can say hands down, I didn't see ANYTHING off putting, but the all caps during the one part is a bit much...I think you could tone it down a bit and still get the same effect. 9/10

Characterization: Solid. Not much to say here, besides well Twilight is Twilight. Spike is Spike, and Starlight is Starlight. Everything blends and fits for their role in this tale. 10/10

Story/Concept: I have SEEN this "insert pony tries to write" before. Granted, I don't read them. They aren't really something I'd go out of my way to read, but for a good "pass" the time kind of story it works. I can see why the author would write something like this, and it works, but the originality here, just isn't really here, and the execution while it's good, isn't unique enough to stand out. 7/10

Overall thoughts: This is a well written short character telling about Twilight Sparkle wanting to write a book, and as that it does succeed. However I can't help but feeling like this is a cupcake that needed sprinkles on top to make it truly it's own thing rather than just another "insert" pony here writes a book. It's not a problem, just a trend I noticed. 8/10

Headpat worthy: Yes
Boop worthy: No
Meh!: No
Cringe Level: No

Final score: 8+9+10+7+8=42/50

To the author: Keep writing and stay awesome. I hope my feedback here is helpful, and if you have any questions just ask! I promise I don't bite.

I completely forgot that I put this in for review, but thanks for getting to it. Don't worry about it taking so long, real life problems are real life problems, nothing you can do. But yeah, this was literally the very first story I ever wrote outside of some mandatory half-assed school projects years ago. I wanted to play it safe on the story and 'test the waters' if you will before I really got into my niche (this story is very different from just about every other fic I've written thus far). Anyhow, glad to see you enjoyed it for the most part. :pinkiesmile:

Yeah I don't think I'm the RIGHT reviewer for your other stories. *cough cough*
I hate HORROR. but boss and a few others like it.
For a first story it's very solid across the board, More than I can say for my own first story. We don't talk about that though!

Score fixed because I suck at math.

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