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TMLP: Friendship is The Communist Manifesto and Also Celestia Dies
Have you ever had a moment of regret so intense that you just stop and think about how your life got that way? The CMCs haven't.
_Moonshot · 1.4k words  ·  20  5 · 557 views

Author: _Moonshot

Have you ever had a moment of regret so intense that you just stop and think about how your life got that way? The CMCs haven't.

And I haven't either.

Summary: Sometimes you read a story that is so good, so amazing, that it just changes your entire worldview and you achieve enlightenment. This isn’t that story.


I haven’t done a review in a hot minute since I’ve been fairly busy both with writing and with my personal life but I’ve finally had the time to sit down and read a story. Unfortunately, that story was Moonshot’s Friendship is the Communist Manifesto.

And before we break out the political hats, let me just point out that this is a troll fic. So put the pitchforks away, we won’t be delving into the rights and wrongs of Communism and debating whether or not it works as a political system. Do that on your own time.

But yeah. This is a troll-fic/joke fic that really isn’t meant to be taken seriously, so I’ll be adjusting my review aspect slightly. Normally I like to give the author a very detailed analysis from the perspective of a literary theory (typically deconstruction) but I dunno, I’m pretty tired so I probably won’t. We’ll see.

Ready? Let’s hit it. 


It’s a troll-fic, so the plot itself doesn’t really matter. Instead, let’s talk about the impact and its value as a joke fic. Because there are joke fics out there that don’t execute well or just fall flat on their faces because they aren’t funny or just too absurd.

I think this story is able to succeed in its role as a joke-fic (but nowhere else, mind you) because it’s got good momentum and stays within enough confines that a story is there.

And I could really feel the panic as the two authors who collaborated here struggled to produce literally anything before the time ran out, so props to them. It’s pretty funny and doesn’t go too much into the political side of things as the title might indicate, which is again a good thing.

I guess one thing I can say is that the story is pretty raunchy and has a fair bit of character assasination and lampshading. You’re going to need to bring your big-boy pants if you’re going to read this story!

Anyways, the plot was absurd and rightfully so for a joke-fic. It didn’t stray too far into a political side which made it bearable. 


There is quite a lot of character assasination going on. Which is to be expected. I myself don’t particularly care for any of these characters here so I got a good laugh out of it. Die hard fans of the CMC, Luna, or Celestia might not though. But hey, that’s the risk of writing a joke-fic.

Oh and Edward Cullen from Twilight is there. So I’m obviously going to have to take points away. 


I saw a missing quotation mark after one sentence. Besides that, the grammar and prose was probably the best thing about this story. 

Final Thoughts:

So yeah, obviously I didn’t take this review as seriously as some of my other ones, but it’s really just because taking this story seriously would defeat the purpose of it being a troll-fic. It’s a story that was just written on a whim and really isn’t meant to go anywhere, which in turn makes it tricky to criticize anything.

I guess if there’s one point I can make, it’s that I appreciate that this story stayed within confines and didn’t go so far out there that it became just boring or incoherent. It definitely is random, but not to the point where nothing makes sense. I think this is a key point that makes this story successful as a joke-fic/troll-fic. 

For the scores, I can't rightfully give this very high scores because I don't want people comparing scores for their serious story to a troll-fic, even if this was on the more enjoyable side of troll-fics I've read.

That's pretty much all I've got to say. Next time we're going to be having a look at Motorbreath's Where the Cold Comes From, so see ya then. Deuces.

To the Readers:

If you like troll-fics/mindlessly random and comedic stories, you might like this one. If you’re a die-hard fan of the CMC, Luna, or Celestia, you might want to give this story a pass.

And finally, this story is not the standard of this author’s work. Go read Can’t Get Enough or Every Five Hundred Years before you make any conclusions about his writing. 

To the Author:

I hate you for making me read this and at the same time it might be the best troll-fic I’ve read so far. 

I don’t have notes for this story because it was so short. 


Plot: 3
Characterization: 3
Prose: 5

Average: 3.67

No ragruts whatsoever

Can't Get Enough is so massively underrated. It's seriously one of the best fics on the site.

Also this story is a masterpiece and the fact that it didn't get an 11 out of 10 means we have to fight now.


Meet me behind the gym after school and we'll square up

7233961 This thread is a review of Friendship is the Communist Manifesto and Also Celestia Dies, not Can't Get Enough.

If you think Can't Get Enough deserves a review, post it in the appropriate submission folder. Don't go into a review and try to hijack it (it is disrespectful to both the author of the story being reviewed and the reviewer). :ajbemused:


I already reviewed Can't Get Enough , plus we were referring to the fact that this story is not the best measurement of the author's skill as proven by hsi other stories. Also, we only accept submissions from the author themselves.

7234069 Well, I didn't know that.

Just from first glance it seemed like wishcometrue was trying to promote another fic in this review thread and I just felt like it was being disrespectful, so I wanted to bring that up.

Upon further reflection, I have realized the errors of my ways. Thank you for pointing this out, and I would like to sincerely apologize to anyone I have hurt or offended by my actions. It was never my intent to do harm, but that doesn't excuse these horrible things I've said.

I was shocked, sad, and beyond disappointed to see author of That Isn't Me Wishcometrue DISRESPECTING me in the comments section. To see one of my top idols of all time fall to such a level grants me beyond the greatest level of sorrow. You know what they say: never meet your heroes.

Wishcometrue, for the 30 minutes I spent weeping and sobbing on the floor after your comment shattered not only my sense of self-worth but also every bone in my body, I have sent you a bill totalling 5 bitcoin. I await your payment very soon.

Unfortunately, I do not own bitcoin. Do you accept dogecoin?

In lieu of bitcoin, I will only be accepting hard Venezuelan Petro or Roblox Robux promo codes

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