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Summary: Having fallen into Equestria due to his own stupidity, Brendon finds himself more surprised at the friendly welcome of the inhabitants, than the strange world they inhabit. But, having been alone for so long, Brendon finds it very difficult to stop the darkness of his own mind. Meanwhile, how does he deal with a friendship he barely comprehends? Will he truly accept love as his own mind unravels? And what is the very environment doing to his body?

Initial thoughts: So here we have yet another HIE story though this time the mlp crew are anthros, and Brendon finds himself in a world of colorful characters. This is labeled a romance, and we all know I love romance, but we'll talk more about that in a bit. When I started this, I admit I groaned "not another one of these" I'm not saying that Human in Equestria has no merits, I'm sure they're are great ones out there, but the ones I've read are either so bad I struggle to read them, or they are just "meh" so where does this story fit in? It's pretty much the "meh" category. It is a story that isn't truly bad enough to be terrible, but it's also not good enough to be great. So how does one review a story like this? Let's find out! 5/10

Heart of the story: The heart of the story is how Brendon adapts to this new world. I do admit I did like that he wasn't all "this is totally awesome" thing and went through a period where he just wanted everything to go back to normal. The heart here should be Brendon and his struggle, and yet we'll get to this in a bit. His character leaves much to be desired. But overall I did want to know what would happen, I did care about this character and want him to find happiness in this new world. So good job on that. However, more descriptions of HOW he was feeling rather than bluntly saying "brendon is sad" would have been more thought provoking and much more interesting for me as a reader. I'll give you points for effort. 6/10

Characterization: Brendon is the main character, he is the one we are supposed to care about to root for, and I will say this. He doesn't feel like a Gary Stue, but instead comes off as a "self insert" for the author. It was clear to me from the moment he gawked at Fluttershy's breasts, where this was going. Granted, you could make this work, and the author does try not to take it the way you'd think. I like that. As for the rest of the cast. Shrugs? The only one that feels way out of character is Rarity. That chapter where she um... "measured" a certain something. *coughs* Heat or no heat, this to me isn't something she'd do. Or at least if she did she'd do it with more flair... 5/10

Story/Concept: The concept and story here is Human in Equestria. I've always wondered what about it interests people. Why do humans want to interact with ponies? Where is the potential here? However this story takes a more lighthearted tone, and tries to break away from some of the cliches of HIE but also falls over itself quite a bit. The story is paced well, and you can see Brendon getting used to being in Equestria more and more, and eventually finding love. But to me the whole thing left me feeling nothing at the end of the day. Sure I'm happy Brendon isn't pouting anymore, but meh? 6/10

Originality/Execution: This story isn't really original. HIE is popular for a reason, but does it execute HIE in a way that brings something new to the table? The short answer no. But let's try to dive into why it doesn't work. Why isn't this something special? Because at the end of the day, there's nothing here that makes you truly feel for the characters. I did want Brendon to succeed, but I also didn't really feel any attachment to him, and the story tends to drag on the message of "will Brendon accept his fate?"
It's just...ugh. I want to say something more positive. I can see the author put a lot of effort into this. Maybe I'm just not a fan of HIE for a reason. 6.5/10

Overall score and final thoughts: This story as you probably figured out by now is just "meh" it's not good, it's not bad. It's just "medicore" I got about halfway through this story when it started feeling like a chore, and I found myself just not being invested in it like I should. And to me that's not a good sign, but this story isn't bad either. It has a lot of potential in what could make HIE good but just falls flat of the mark.

Total score: 5+6+5+6+6.5=28.5/50

Headpat worthy:
Boop worthy:
Meh worthy: YES.
Cringe level:

Note to the author: Keep writing, keep trying new things. Never give up, your story isn't bad, let me clarify this, but it's also not good. It sorta fell into "medicore" Keep being awesome.

I actually have no argument and little real disagreement here. I knew what this was when I started it, and it wasn't something deep nor something I poured all my heart and soul into. I can see a great deal of places where I could have spent far more time and detail, and the fact I write it in different styles in different parts must throw people off. And the fact that the ponies seem to be background characters rather than being at the forefront has erked me a great deal. Though I hope to change that in future chapters, that isn't really an excuse and I don't want this to come across as "I'll fix it because of this review."

Thank you for your honest opinion. I'm sure only s small percentage was based on personal preference, but I also own up to my own lack of originality and other things besides. I am beyond happy for those that like it, but God knows I wouldn't send this in for a writing contest.

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