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EPassing Feelings
Rarity has always been an artist. Even now, she can't resist the urge to create new masterpieces. If only she had someone to show them to.
Zontan · 1.6k words  ·  78  4 · 1k views

Summary: Rarity has always been an artist. Even now, she can't resist the urge to create new masterpieces. If only she had someone to show them to.

Initial thoughts: I knew right away if this story didn't make me sad, it wasn't doing it's job right, but I was surprised at the end of it, how I was both, happy and sad. Just the right mixture that it didn't make me cry, but left me with this message that even in the darkest of times, even after everything ends, our love can preserve to find a way to show others we still care long after we are gone. 8/10

Heart of the story: Death. There's no two ways about it, this is a story about death. The way the story reveals this to us is subtle yet direct. It's not so in your face that you are groaning and hitting your face, but it's also impactful. The way Zontan writes Rarity here, she isn't focusing on what is, but what could be. How she could get Twilight to notice her again, even if only for a moment. It would be worth all the work she puts in. It also shows us that Rarity is able to preserve, throughout her struggle, and not get down when Twilight doesn't see her right away. 9/10

Characterization: Flawless. Rarity is really the only "character" here, and it shows. It shows how she struggles, how she adapts, how she manages to weave us into a tale about love, and loss without feeling "sappy" For those that don't know what that means. Sappy is a way of saying something is over the top for dramatic effect. 10/10

Story/Concept: This tackles a subject that is about death, this story weaves itself in a way that doesn't focus too much on the death itself, but how we can still reach our loved ones long after we are gone from this world. 8/10

Originality/Execution: It's been done to death, so does this story do anything special? Yes. It does. The way Rarity acts in this story, she knows her limits, but she never acts like a spirit truly, she acts like she's still Rarity, still here with us all, and that spirit is what truly makes this tale unique and innovative. 9/10

Overall score and final thoughts: Zontan has weaved a short tale about loss, about love, about bonds, and about how no matter how much time passes, we can still find ways to express that love, even if we can no longer be there with our loved ones. It's a sad and tragic tale, that will leave you feeling for Rarity, but will also leave you with this happy feeling that everything will be okay, even if things will never be the same.

Total score: 8+9+10+8+9=44/50

Headpat worthy: Yes.
Boop worthy:
Meh worthy:
Cringe level:

Note to the author: Zontan, this is truly a masterpiece of a tale. Be proud of it, and keep being awesome. *pat pat*

Group Contributor

Nice job :D

Thanks for the review! ^_^

I remember when I first read this story - needing a good Rarity fic to fill the gap. I'm happy you enjoyed it as much as I did!

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