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EThe Gift
Scootaloo receives a message and a special gift she will always treasure.
Wings of Black Glass · 4.2k words  ·  12  1 · 586 views

The gift starts with the CMC deciding on what camp activities to do, that is until Rainbow Dash using her sonic rainboom draws the attention of Scootaloo away. Scootaloo’s inability to fly still hangs over her head and while she doesn’t feel cheated nor depressed by it she still feels down because of it. Her thoughts linger on their adventures on mount Aris where she was able to swim underwater giving her the sensation of flying for the first time. That’s it until with a sonorous KA-BANG Derpy introduces herself in the story, what is she doing here? Easy she is delivering a package for Scootaloo.

Inside the package they find a really awful looking safety jacket, not knowing what to do they go and visit Twilight, once there they discover that said jacket is much more than just that, created by Sunburst the magic words of “Hope gives me wing” Is enough to create magical translucent wings capable of gifting the ability to fly to anyone, and scoot is that lucky one.

So, enthralled with this newfound ability she takes them out for a try, she goes around flying with her spirit so up in the air she could have gone to the moon, but her joy is short lived. In her own happiness she becomes too forward and tries to pass through some trees near a lake, problem is that the wings don’t pass through, she she crash, she spiral down onto the ground and only the magical vest make her avoid the worst of her injuries. 

She got up and to her horror she finds out that the vest is now broken, she is found by Rainbow Dash and returns home, with a somewhat happy note to it, she did get the opportunity to fly. Several weeks later she receives the news that the vest is unfortunately impossible to repair as such it will never work again. Distraught by this she starts to tear up except… a new vest comes out from the box, and there are three of them! She laughs at her own fortune more happy than ever with those she decides to try them out in safety this time, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle ran away outdoor to try their new vests and so would have done Scoot except she found something else in the box.

The broken vest useless yet a reminder of what gave her hope in the first place. And thus, Hope gave her wings!

This is the story summarized, for the whole adventure you should read the story, what is there to say? The story lives up to its name giving Scoot hope, this time in the form of wings. The story is wholesome as are many dealing with Scootaloo’s problem, the fans demands that something is done for her condition and this is another solution to it.

The story manages to create a sense of dread like no other especially when Scoot receive the news of the vest being irreparably broken, and then lift us all to the clouds with a good natured surprise. 

The gift is a very loveable story with a lesson tied to it as to be careful with what they gift you, but who cares!? Scoot is happy because she can fly that’s the important thing in my opinion. So ratings.


Core Idea: 7/10, while the specifics are different than others the idea of fixing Scootaloo condition is one well explored and maybe too much used.

Pacing: 8/10, the story is good from a pacing point of view but maybe the only real thing that ticked me a bit wrong is the time skip without properly making us see and feel how distraught Scootaloo is which in my opinion would have made the story that much better.

Grammar: 10/10 I found no glaring errors in the fic good job.

Final score: 8.3/10 very good, keep it up :twilightsmile:

For the Author, you did a good job, you created a very good story that gives outward hope and dreams for all Scootaloo’s fans. Continue writing, get better and better with experience and you will be able to create masterpieces left and right keep it up!:rainbowdetermined2:

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