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Introduction section: Hello every pony! Hopefully you are all safe. I must say, I've been busting my flank off excercising and trying to get in shape. It's a slow and steady progress but I'm getting there. Today I'm reviewing "Kaleiodoscope" by Zontan. But before I get into things, just figured I'd let you all know how happy I am. It's like there's this spark to me that I thought was gone, but it's now a burning light of passion. *heart flutters* So lets dive in shall we?

Inspiration is a strange thing. There's no predicting where it comes from, nor where it can take you.
Zontan · 2.4k words  ·  33  28 · 412 views

Summary:: When a pair of archaeologists uncover a strange artifact from the Well of Shade, they ask Twilight to come take a look. Then one of them goes missing, and Twilight must discover what’s happening before it’s too late.

Initial thoughts: Skyrim vibes. This story reminds me of Skyrim. Like the premise is interesting but there's quite some similarity to the stuff you do for the Mage's guild in Skyrim. Granted, this is different because it's ponies, but this is what I thought. And I must say it works rather well despite not having anything to do with Skyrim. The mystery is interesting and I didn't really know where it was going. I had ideas of what I thought, but was still surprised by the overall execution of the mystery itself. 9/10

Heart of the story: The heart here I feel is the mystery, and maybe a bit of Twilight being Twilight. So let's go over both! The mystery here without spoiling things is that a pony is missing and no one knows where he went or why? And that is the heart of this tale. It's up to Twilight to figure it out. And despite not knowing this pony, Twilight is determined to do all she can to find him and figure out what happened. Before bad things happen because no one looked in the right places. 10/10

Characterization: The main character here is Twilight, and she's every bit like I'd expect her to be. Intelligent, resourceful, cunning, and inquisitive. The Oc's in this tale while new to me, feel like they have brief characterizations, but the focus here is clearly on Twilight allowing the Oc's to help her along her path, rather than being boring or dull, they keep the story moving. 9/10

Story/Concept: : This sort of story is nothing new. Pony goes missing, it's up to one of the main six or sometimes the CMC to find them and solve the myster. So does this do anything new? Eh? Not really. The writing is rather good in my humble opinion, and it does help it a bit more than some stuff I've seen I couldn't put it down. Despite having read stuff like this before. 8/10

Originality/Execution: There's really not much original to talk about but the execution was good. I liked it. 7/10

Overall score and final thoughts: : This is a good mystery story that keeps you guessing, and keeps you reading so you figure out the answer and then when the reveal finally comes *Le gasp*! It feels quite rewarding. Despite the short word count here, the story is solid, and works well as a mystery.

Total score: 9+10+9+8+7=43/50

Headpat worthy:
Boop worthy: Yes.
Meh worthy:
Cringe level:

To the author: Keep up the great work! It's always interesting to read other authors I know of from the Quill's and Sofa server, and I must say you are quite talented at what you do.

Next up is Symbiosis by mushroompone See ya soon!

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