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ESweet Tea
Sweetie Belle gets a helping hoof with her project.
TheLegendaryBillCipher · 1.6k words  ·  14  0 · 332 views

Sweetie Belle gets a familiar helping hoof with her new project!

Summary: Beep boop.


Welcome back fellas. Today we’re going to pick where Apple Bread and Potato Dog left off with another story by TheLegendaryBillCipher, Sweet Tea. This story holds aspects of both Potato Dog and Apple Bread close to its heart and is much like these two in terms of pacing, tempo, and overall feels. Let’s hit it.


The plot of the story follows the titular character of Potato Dog, P-Buddy as she visits Sweetie Belle. Sweetie, we see, has taken up a new hobby: robotics. We find that with Pinkie’s help. she’s been able to construct three replicas of herself for various purposes. 

While keeping in mind that virtually every story in this series has been short this far, I’d say this one probably leaves the most to be desired. We never really find out what Sweetie does with these clones of her, if anything at all. I did like the little scene with P-Buddy having a horn and felt that is something Pinkie would do, but ultimately I think there were quite a few open ends with this one.

For example, we know Rarity’s been in a bit of a slump lately, but its never really explained why. There’s also some other stuff foreshadowed, and I think the author has some plans for the future, but until those plans come into fruition I think we’ll be left a bit in the dark as to some of the finer details.

Still, for a slice of life it’s a pretty fluffy and light read, even if it doesn’t accomplish much in the grand scheme of things. 


P-Buddy retains their own unique personality and I think it shines through well enough here. She acts a little bit like Pinkie Pie but less sporadic, which  makes sense given that she’s, well, a robot. Her interactions with Sweetie Belle felt natural and smooth, which is always nice to see.

I guess if there’s one thing I could say, it’s that there again really isn’t much substance to this story, so it’s hard to find stuff to talk about. I would love to see some more development of P-Buddy on her own, but here she serves mostly to carry out the plot. 


Nothing major prosewise jumped out at me. There were a few places where I thought the narrative structure was inconsistent or a few words, but nothing that I feel like I should point out here. So good work, author! 

Final Thoughts:

So I don’t like making reviews these short, but I don’t really feel I have much to work with in this story. The premise is interesting enough, but I don’t know if enough really happens in this story. Lovers of the previous stories would probably enjoy it, but it’d probably fall a bit flat without reading the other entries first.

As a whole, the trilogy covers some pretty interesting concepts and everything is told in a light, fluffy manner that makes it a delightful read overall. While this story is, I think, one with less substance compared to the others, I can tell the author has a few plans in store as to where they want to take this story.

So to close this out, I think this story does what it does well. It’s some light slice of light with an interesting concept and nice character development. But if somebody is looking for something beyond that, this might not be the story for them. Still, the light-hearted nature of the series is something definitely needed in these dire times, so props to the author! 

Next up is a longer work, RubyDubious’s Event Horizon, so I may be MIA for a while while I tackle this story. See you then! 

To the Readers:

If you liked Apple Bread or Potato Dog, or if you’re looking for a fun short story with a healthy dose of robotics, you might like this story! 

To the Author:

Don’t think you’ve uploaded the fourth one in the series yet, so I tried not to talk much about it. That being said, I know there are a lot of threads you could pick up and I think this story lays them out well. I hope you don’t take this out of context, as I’m saying that things may feel a bit stale now, bu I’m certain you’ll clear it up with future stories. Keep writing, your stories are always a treat to read! 


Plot: 5
Characterization: 6
Prose: 8

Average: 6.33 

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