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Summary::Fleetfoot has never been the romantic type. She's never felt that deep longing for a special somepony in her life — never had time for it either.

Then why does she have a crush, and why is she waking up in bed with him?

Initial thoughts: Alrightly, here goes something! First of all this is a sequel to Damage Control. It says you don't have to read it to understand what's going on here, and that is very true, but like the prequel isn't that long so like just read it, to have better understanding. Fleetfoot isn't a pony I would normally read about, she's just well never interested me, but I find myself very engaged in her story here. A story that is a struggle with both relationships, success, and how that all relates to her inner turmoil to be successful, and be her own pony without feeling forced to do things she doesn't want to do. Like settling down with a romantic partner. We'll get more into that later, but right now I want to say thank you to Freglz for writing this. This kind of story takes time, dedication, and a lot of HARD work. So kudos. But normally this is the part where I'd say HIE really isn't a genre I care for. I really enjoyed this story. I can't say "loved" for I do have stories I enjoyed more than this, but this gave me one of the things I always want in a story, character building, a slow burn romance, and a plot that is engaging and interesting to follow. It does have it's slow build up, which may not be for everyone, but I enjoyed it. 8/10

Heart of the story: I'd say there's a lot of heart in here, but I'd say the focus of Fleetfoot's struggle throughout the story is a great part of it. She struggles with a lot with where she fits in among the Wonderbolts, what it will mean for her career if she "settles" down, and her relationship with Phillip. But Phillip is also important here because the romance is a big part of the story, even if it's a slow burn. The relationship between the two, is like a real life back and forth. The two don't always agree, and they can be mad at each other, and than end up snuggled up in bed together. Heck the story starts off with them in bed together. So I really enjoyed the portayal of both characters but I feel Fleetfoot here stands out more for she's our focus, she's telling the story, and that makes her struggle all the more engaging to read. 9/10

Characterization: : I don't want to repeat myself, so I'll try to think of different things to say. Fleetfoot is not a character most think of when writing a story. It's an unusual choice, but Freglz has a way of writing her that makes her interesting and engaging to read about, and you feel for her and you want good things to happen, even if a lot of the time, it seems uncertain as to where she will end up, but that's part of why it's so good. You don't know where it's going, and the way Fleetfoot is written is brilliant. Phillip is also written well for an OC character, and I find his journey interesting too, but I still enjoyed Fleetfoot more. Maybe i'm biased against humans. lolz. 9/10

Story/Concept: : This concept of "HIE" and love story has been one of the most interesting and engaging ones I've ever read. And that's well an accomplishment as I generally don't care for HIE. I do love me some romance though. Good stuff. We need more kissy kissy horse noises. 8/10

Originality/Execution:: This is hard to decipher for HIE is not original, it's been done to death, but the characterization of Fleetfoot, and the execution of the writing is what sells it for me in the right direction. It may not be original, but it's definetly worthy of it's reputation as a classic. 8/10

Overall score and final thoughts: : I really enjoyed this story, and I tried really hard not to spoil too much for this is really something you should experience first hoof. I've read both stories, but again you don't have to read the prequel to enjoy this. If you have some time to kill, and need a good story that will take (me) about two months to read. then go for it~ (I'm a slow reader.)

Total score: 8+9+9+8=8=42/50

Headpat worthy: Yes. *pat pat*
Boop worthy:
Meh worthy::
Cringe level:

To the author: Freglz, this story is just wow. Brilliant, wonderful, and well I really want to applaud you for the work you have done. I am not really a fan of "HIE" and this will probably be the last "HIE" I review. but take note, that I really enjoyed your story, and am eager to see where you go from here.

Next time we have "What a strange new world by Uz Naimat" see you soon!

Hey... I recognize this book. I've been debating reading it. Thanks for this review.

Azure Drache
Group Admin

Your math Nailah

Azure Drache
Group Admin

If this is the last HiE you review, then I suppose it's good that I caught you just in time. Thank you for the review and the kind words, and I hope I'm able to write more stuff that's more up your alley.

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