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EWhat a Strange New World
I jumped through the portal to escape Celestiaʼs wrath. Now, I find myself in this strange, new world. But thatʼs okay, Iʼll figure it out, like I always do.
Uz Naimat · 7.6k words  ·  23  3 · 766 views

Summary::None of this would’ve happened if Princess Celestia had made me an alicorn, like I deserve! I, Sunset Shimmer, should’ve a princess!

Instead, I had to flee through that portal and now find myself in this unfamiliar dimension. No princesses, no ponies, and no magic. How am I going to live like this?

But it’s alright. I won’t stay here for long. I’m just here to bid my time until I rise to power. Then, I’ll finally overthrow Celestia and take my rightful place as ruler of Equestria!

But until then, I must learn how to survive in this new world.

Introduction: Hello everyone, Nailah here. Normally I'd skip this section but this time it's actually important. Some of you may know, I've been a reviewer here at My little reviews for quite some time, and I've enjoyed the feeling that I am able to help others, but I've been doing a lot of self reflecting, and even started my own business. Due to this, I find I have less time to read and I decided to step down as a reviewer. Granted as sad as it may seem, I will still be here. I will still be an admin to help Azure with moving stories and informing authors as needed. I wish you all the best. <3

Initial thoughts: When I went into this, I wasn't quite sure what to think. It could be interesting or a total snooze fest. I'm glad to see it's the first one rather than the second one. It was a story that probably exists or has been done before, but that doesn't mean this one cannot have it's own merits. This is a tale about Sunset, within first person narrative of her beginnings in the other world. The human world. The story is incomplete so I have to judge on what's here, and I'm currently intrigued to know more. Here's hoping the author is able to keep with more regular updates. 7/10.

Heart of the story: The "heart" here is Sunset herself. She is the character we are supposed to care about, the one we want to see succeed, and seeing her so down on her luck, makes us all quite sad. I like how she doesn't immediately know everything, and how her attitude towards this new world is only making things worse for her. I wonder how she will get herself out of this. The characterization here is great, and very believable, but I'd like to see more inner turmoil within Sunset as well. Right now we see her struggle, her hatred of Celestia, but I still believe there's more to see than that. 6/10

Characterization: : The characterization is solid, very fitting of Sunset, and since she's really the only character that has appeared the author has done well to portray her. Yet I still believe there are things to unravel within her character that will perhaps be discovered deeper into this tale. 8/10

Story/Concept: : The story/concept isn't one I was sure I would like, but ended up enjoying and wanting to know more. Its always good if you can hook your readers. And help to keep the audience engaged. After all I'm sure none of us want to read Shakespeare. There's not a whole lot to say here, other than keep up the good work. The first person narrative certainly helps this story to stand out and be unique. 7/10

Originality/Execution:: There isn't a whole lot of originality here, I'm sure the background of Sunset Shimmer has been done before, but the execution is unique, different, and shows us a side of Sunset we may not have thought about. So for that I give this story and it's author kudos. It's a hard balance, but you're doing good so far. Keep up the good work. 8/10

Overall score and final thoughts: : This is a story about Sunset Shimmer after she went to the human world, and her struggle to not only find her place there, but to survive there. This story will make you care for Sunset and want her to succeed, even if you know she has a ways to go to becoming the Sunset we have all grown to love.

Total score: 7+6+8+7+8=36/50

Headpat worthy:
Boop worthy: Yes, it's good but could be even better later on.
Meh worthy::
Cringe level:

To the author: Keep up the good work you have an interesting story here, and I'm looking forward to seeing it bloom into something truly special. If you have any questions/comments or concerns, just dm me and I'll get to you when I can.

Next time we have "Sunset Glimmer by Ninjadeadbeard" see you soon!

Thank you for the kind words. More to come on the story. Your wishes will come true. Eventually. :heart:

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