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[Adult story embed hidden]

By Schattendrache
Original Story By Azure Drache

I heard you ask about how I had met Fluffy's parents and why my opinion of her brother is so low. Well, both of those questions can be answered by the same story; the time Fluffy convivence me to go with her to tell her family about us being mates before she was too far along in her pregnancy. It was an interesting three days of getting to know her family and learn more about ponykind's strange customs. I really think you are going to like this story, especially the naughty bits.

First, a Note: This story serves as a midquel between The Dragon And The Pony and The Dragon And The Pony 2 The Adventure of Parenthood and has been approved by the Author Azure Drache as a cannon part of his universe.
It is written by his editor, Schattendrache, and is an excellent midquel of sorts! Now, let's get into the good stuff!

First reaction:
A sequel to such an adorable tale, where we get to meet the parents and have so many questions answered? I am all for that! Being a big fan of series of stories this very much so topped my list of something fun to read, and I am glad I did! We get a bigger cast of characters than the first, all of which felt so real and genuine that I knew I would love it. (Even more so with the 'naughty' bits, as Fluffy or Big Softy would call it. chuckles.) With my love of first person stories as well, like the first one in this set of stories, it set the emotions and scenes up quite clearly and did very well on such a POV. Schatte also did a great job at using the same style as Azure with his writing. Like I mentioned about the first story, we really need more good stories with dragons or other non-common creatures as the main characters of stories on here, so seeing such great works like these doing so really makes a difference and helps me love them all the more!

Did I like it?:
Of course! It had a very genuine feel to it, you could feel the emotions of the characters so well, and it was so well described I could almost feel like I was there a lot of the time. Each character was so much themselves, unique with their own flaws and weaknesses, along with strengths of course. As cliche as the 'meet the parents/family' might be, I still greatly enjoy it most of the time and this was no different. Fluffy's parents are great characters to get to know and just as adorable as their daughter, and her brother, Never's attitude toward Big Softy was just how I would expect a big brother to act. Well done!

What I didn't like:
Like its predecessor, there were some spelling and grammar mistakes, a little more than the original I believe, but other than that I felt it a well rounded story. An excellent inclusion to answer some questions and introduce us to one side of the family of such a cute couple. Yet, the spelling and grammar errors took away little from me for the joy of the story.

Big Softy is done well, he is his snarky, horny, overly-protective, fluffy pegasus loving self and his 'voice' for this editor's version does sound very similar to Azure's. Which is very important when dealing with stories written with the same characters but different authors. His descriptions are on par and the love and care for his dear Fluffy is made clear.
Danger "Fluffy" Do is also done well. Her reactions are very genuine and in par with her character from the first book, and she is also voiced very similarly to it as well. I love her cheek puffing when she is upset, it is just so adorable! We genuinely see her love for both Big Softy and her family, especially her brother. Their relationships are clear and heartfelt.
Parents Cloud and Gold Digger are some very nice, understanding parents. Their reactions to their daughter being mates with a dragon are exactly in line with what I would expect. Startled, a little scared at first, (after all dragons are predators) but as they get to know him and see the love Fluffy has for him, they react like any good parent should, approving and helpful. Along with their reaction at the idea of being grandparents in the near future. Excited if a little confused at first. I also love how real their reactions are to some of Big Softy's comments, showing just how different dragon and pony cultures can be.
Fluffy's brother, Never Ending, brought some excellent comedy to the story! If anything, dear reader of this review, be sure to read the story to find out how he and Big Softy meet! It will surely get a good chuckle out of you if nothing else! Never is a good brother, protective of his sister and just wanting the best for her, even if she doesn't always agree with his ways of that happening. Always a fun character to read!

The Heart, as in the original/book one, is just as beautiful, warm, and inviting to the reader. You can almost taste the love and emotions around the characters. (Not just saying that because I'm a changeling either. ;) ) This is truly a story about the care and love of ones family and mate, as they get to know each other and all the quirks each of them has. Like any real family, there are some disputes and arguments, but in the end we know everyone will make up and be happy once more. Though the relationship with Big Softy and Fluffy's brother, Never, is rocky thanks to how they meet, among other things, that is just how family works sometimes and like most relationships, take work to make right. I'm sure they will come to terms with all that eventually. Along with that, it is clear that Schatte cares about this story and its characters. (Even more so by this, posted on the main page of the story:

This story was originally supposed to be a guest chapter in The Dragon And The Pony 2, but due to my desire to see things through to a high level of completion, this ended up becoming its own story.

What other editor do you know, that would go to such a level to add their own part to a story they are editing? That has got to be some strong love for the story in this reviewer's opinion!

There are some spelling problems, some of them misspellings, others homonyms of their right word, among others. They do distract from the story's immersion and so could probably use another sweep of edits to fix. I know both Azure and Schatt are non-native English speakers though, so I can give them more of a pass on this one than a native English speaking writer. Really they are my main problem with the story, but if spelling/grammar is the main problem (and it isn't SO bad I can't still enjoy the story) I would say they are still doing a great job! Besides that, the language of the story is excellent and matches the characters who are speaking quite well.

Meeting the family is often seen in stories, but that is not a bad thing. I loved getting to know Fluffy's family and how they feel about this arrangement. Schatt does the concept well and the story shines as a mid-quel to the official books written by Azure.
Also, nice use of some 'Germane'/Draconic (It was meant to be draconic for Equestria languages) here and there for Big Softy's outbursts, like when he yelled out "wir sind zusammen" (we are together) to finally break the ice on their relationship. That is a nice step to bring together the differences of culture between the two species, pony and dragon.
Speaking of culture, this comes into play a lot more in this midquel than it did in the original. With Big Softy interacting with Fluffy's family we see so many differences from dragon and pony culture, how each feels about publicly talking about intimacy, especially parents hearing about what their children are doing, being a big one. Dragons being far more open on the subject than ponies.
With dragons and ponies generally being different on the 'food chain' of life, dragons as predators and ponies as prey, the misunderstandings from both Fluffy's parents and Big Softy on this were a nice addition that added to the genuine feel of the story. With the ponies thinking dragons eat a lot of meat (which in Big Softy's position, he tends to eat more on the gem side and whatever he makes for Fluffy/she makes for him,) and for a pony example, Big Softy not understanding the playful teasing between siblings and taking it as more of an insult.

The Sex:
The Sex- Mmm wonderful! Sensory filled, just the right amount of detail, and *cough* working with a detail you can only get with scaled or chitonous creatures with certain TEXTURES that is one big personal like *cough* steamy and rewarding indeed.
As Schatt's first try at smut/clop fics, I readily enjoyed it and think he did quite well! (Better than my own first attempt heh. *blushes and coughs some more.*)
Anyway, there was more sex in this midquel than in the first, and it would be harder to skip and not miss anything than in the first,for those of you who don't want to read such things. Still, the sex is well done for like said above Schatt's first time doing such scenes, and will likely keep those of you readers who do like it well entertained in more ways than one. :raritywink:

Final Thoughts:
This story was a great read, very enjoyable and an excellent way to bridge the gap between The Dragon And The Pony and The Dragon And The Pony 2 The Adventure of Parenthood. I loved learning about Fluffy's side of the family and deepening the bond between her and Big Softy. There is always such careful attention to detail and making this world feel all the more real, which I love! The characters felt so real and genuine, and Fluffy and Never's relationship kind of reminded me of my own with my brothers, which added some fun to that! It ended just in the right place to tie our two stories together nicely and make the reader eager for more (of which there is. ;) So go read if you like this one!)

Characterization/Voice: 9/10
Heart: 9/10
Spelling/Grammar: 6/10
Story/Concept: 8/10
The Sex: 8/10
Total: 40/50 or 8/10

To Schattendrache- You are an amazing writer and very good at keeping to the world, tone, characterization and feel of these characters and world of Azure's. Great at comedy, the feels, and even if it was just your first time, writing the clop/smut type of pony words! I hope to see much more from you, perhaps even another midquel to go in-between book 2 and 3 of Azure's story! (Heh if there is an idea/need for it.) You two work great together, and I am glad to be able to read and review such great stories!

To the Reader- if you enjoyed The Dragon and the Pony with Azure's story, then you will for sure enjoy this one! It's funny, sexy, and an excellent view and use of the meet the parents/family trope. So much happens in just the three or so days this story covers, and I'm sure you will not want to be sad by missing it!

Azure Drache
Group Admin


What other editor do you know, that would go to such a level to add their own part to a story they are editing? That has got to be some strong love for the story in this reviewer's opinion!

Yes he is awesome indeed:twilightsmile: While writing this story I asked him a few times, you know this is getting longer and longer, right? And he was like : What can I do? It needs to be done in detail! :rainbowlaugh:

ON a side note, he was really persitant on making this 100% cannon, took us dozent of hours to make sure everything is cannon:derpytongue2: Also making the characters sound like in the original... Oh boy did he had a hard time with that:trollestia: I mean he never mentioned it ( :rainbowhuh: ) , but this time it was like me editing his story for a change, not gramma of course but content:rainbowwild:

PS: Chryssy, let him give you his first attempt of writing that sex scene... :trollestia:

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