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TWhat Only the Blind May See
Sunset comes to earth and saves Jesus before they can crucify him. Jesus has to try to explain why he has to give himself up so he can be executed whilst helping sunset work through her complex relationship with Celestia. Also there are Chaos Demons.
Greenhorne · 1.4k words  ·  63  39 · 1.7k views

So crack fics, I think they work best when you don’t know anything about them and can’t fathom what they will hit you with at all until you actually take the chaos brick in the face.

This one is good enough to do that, now I’m a fast reader and so I actually almost skipped the first sentence and got confused as all [redacted] things when Sunset mentioned jesus.

That aside, the fic is written pretty well for one that is by definition something that usually doesn't have a lick of sense, it is somewhat difficult to follow due to the chaotic way it is paced but it sure gives a comedic effect and spin to everything that happens in it. 

I can't go into too many details here, and I mean anything else other than saying that in my opinion it is a funny crack fic would be just a redundant explanation about something you, dear reader, don’t care if you searched for this kind of fic.

So i’ll go immediately to the scores.

Core Idea: It’s a crack fic, I guess we should rate the crack? Nah, it was funny and I think it is somewhat new and very courageous. 8/10.

Pacing: Fast chaotic and needs you to take double guesses at everything, even your own room. I give it a 9/10.

Grammar: Not enough horrible errors 7/10.

Total score: 8+9+9 (the 7 became a 9 thanks to one of my secret techniques, I call that one lying, like a liar.) 8.6!

For the author: T’was fun, if you use these ideas in a more constructive story and with a real focus and goal you will be able to write wondrous stories.

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