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TThe Last Birthday
As Equis dies, Celestia and Luna celebrate one last birthday together.
Flint-Lock · 11k words  ·  653  16 · 8.1k views

The last birthday starts with an almost toxic and clearly wrong Equis, the story thrust us 1,999,998,000 years in the future. The sun is dying, the planet is a toxic wasteland where not even the sea creatures have much longer to live. Celestia is going down, age is slowly but surely crawling on her, being tied to the sun itself when it dies, she does too. The fic is so very dark, not only because it makes you face the grim reality of the future but because you already know there is no way to win. 

In the story Luna comes to celebrate her sister’s birthday. She retrieves everything she needs to make her a wonderful surprise but she needs time to set it up, they go out and talk about the past. Apparently even millions of years didn’t make Celestia forget about Twilight, and she still mourns her demise.

It is here that we learn much of the past, how civilizations go and went, a trip throughout the past in a place filled with regrets. Finally we arrive at the climax, Luna wishes her sister a happy two billionth birthday, and everything comes to an end. In the flaming glory that is the funeral of a star.

The fic is complex in its shortness, something that many lack. The author portrayed a realistic future, with a billion years to work with everything is fair game. The author is also good with describing a hopeless situation and how the event horizon is creeping towards all life in the system. 

The pacing is well done and gives the whole adventure a nice thrust forward towards the climax where we truly see what the fic is all about, the description is nicely written and an overall wonderful read for those who like their sadness. 

I recommend it with flying colours and hope to see more from the author.


Core idea: 8/10 very imaginative with the one billion years theme, good job. 

Pacing: 10/10 Good with pacing I can safely say that it is almost spot on, congratulations.

Grammar: 8/10 Some parts could benefit from some more detail and overall wider range of vocabulary.

Final score: 8.7/10 A very good read, one that is sure to go in my recommendation folder.

For the Author, you did good, your style is unique and you have a wide imagination that you should capitalize on. Keep it going! 

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