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TThe Things In Between
At first, Wallflower Blush was excited to visit Equestria with her girlfriend, Sunset Shimmer. Then she saw how different each of them became on the other side of the mirror.
Gay For Gadot · 10k words  ·  243  8 · 3.7k views

Wallflower and Sunset visit Equestria, while Wallflower suffers from depression/self-esteem issues. They are not made better by being an earth-pony and meeting magical princesses and unicorns. 

There isn't that much plot to speak off. Sunset and Wallflower enter the Equestria, meet a bunch of show characters, then talk about their feels. The story is a bit too long for so little actual content, though you don't notice it unless you're looking to nit-pick, because the reading is very pleasant. The denouement  -- I will not spoil it, however un-twisty it is -- is a bit too subtle, but still hits you in the feels.

Gay for Gadot joined relatively recently, and is proving to be a great author. I always enjoy her fics, and this one was not an exception. It's very well written, every word and every paragraph translating mood near-perfectly. The characters are easily recognizably, and Wallflower's issues, while, to my taste slightly-over-exposited hang over the text like a black cloud. The use of flower symbolism, though entirely escaped me until I read the author's note at the end, is a nice subtle touch.

Personal Opinion: 
I am not a fan of SunBlush personally -- it's just too contrary to my interpretations/headcanons about the characters, and this fic did little to sell me on the premise. I'm also not a fan of "Sunset apologizes to Celestia"masochism-fics, which this one almost-is, so it's just... look, it's just really not my thing.
But this, I have to admit, is exceptionally well written, and does exactly what it set out to do, so I can't justly complain. All in all, the style is well maintained, the characters are great -- well written, excellently capturing the original tone and working well with the story, the idea is good and executed faithfully. The only real complaint -- and I use the word lightly -- is that, as mentioned above, it is perhaps a touch too long a maybe a shade to subtle.
Without splitting hairs, and doing the whole points-and-averages thing, I think this is a very solid 8/10 fic, one I would not hesitate to recommend.

Azure Drache
Group Admin

Congrats to your first Review for the group:twilightsmile:


Thanks for the review! :twilightsmile:

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