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Flora Blossom
Group Contributor
TThe Rain
A stallion sits at his writing desk, watching the rain, and reliving memories.
-Pinkamena_Pie- · 1k words  ·  17  0 · 624 views

Review: The Rain

Tags: [Suicide/ Selfharm], [Death], [sad], [Slice of life], [Alternate Universe]

Summary: This is a story about an OC who has a writer block who wishes to be something else other than a writer.

Data analysis:  This is got to be the best depression fiction you’ll ever read. I love it, the flow of it is so amazing.  The background story is gosh damn so good.  How he felt that he could be someone else.  This is a true dark story about life.  What if my talents are not good enough?  That right there is a question for all of us to think about in the future.  What if my talent is writing but no one seems to acknowledge.  This fiction is the most beautiful way to describe life.  Life is a balance between all the good things which are talents as a writer.  However, all the bad things most people won't accept to be good.  That is what realism is. That’s what real life is about. The expression on this story is too good to pass on.  How did this person make such a one shot look so good than the rest?  

Here is why the best way to describe life one must think all the happy thoughts and also the bad.  A balance story that 100% deserves my attention in fact everything here is all good.  Such as grammar, the flow, the idea of a slice of life is meant to be.  This here I highly recommend. However, not everyone like suicide and harm and death.  However, for me on this rainy day that I’m having makes me feel about this great story. 

This story has done super well.  I don’t even have to explain a lot of grading.

The final score for this fiction is clearly a 10/10 this is a beautiful masterpiece.

Here is why.  Emotional sadness is a beautiful flow and along with death and suicide and thinking of a realistic life that some people are going through.  This is pretty much like a nonfiction true story but with ponies as it’s a fiction.  I don’t have any more words to say in this matter but, this is a one shot that is clearly a masterpiece.  

This fiction is well deserved.  I hope that this fiction gets well received by other people as well.  This fiction needs more attention because this is what an oc background story should be.  Something that is emotional to the reader on how it’s life is.  I could go on forever.

Thank you so much, I appreciate it! :pinkiehappy:

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