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Flora Blossom
Group Contributor
EApple Bond Motherhood
Pear Butter takes Apple Bloom out for the day as mother and daughter.
Lonely Fanboy48 · 4.5k words  ·  31  4 · 2.7k views

Tags: [Drama], [Slice of Life]

Review: Apple Bond Motherhood

Summary:  An Apple family celebration with apple and pears.

Data analysis:  This has few moments that are worthwhile… and it clearly deserves a lot!!!  This fiction had a few moments of family time… and this is something you did correct. The flow is great I can understand but this is clearly a 8.  The dialog choices you made to this fiction is almost top of the line which it’s clearly an 8.  The idea for this is at least a 6 due to people may have something like this already.  The grammar choices that you made is clearly an 8.

I believe that this fiction needs a lot of attention.

This fiction is clearly a 7/10.

Thanks. Sometimes I wish we would get an episode centering around Pear Butter and Apple Bloom in the show.

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