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Flora Blossom
Group Contributor
EOctavia’s Diary: Holiday Solo
You wonder what Octavia spend her time in Hearth’s Warming? Here’s what she wrote in her personal dairy she keeps to herself.
Lonely Fanboy48 · 1.1k words  ·  7  3 · 257 views

Review: Octavia’s Diary Holiday Solo.

Tags: [Drama] 10%, [Slice of Life] 90%

Summary:  Octavia’s diary which never tells the date of it or when it happened it’s heartwarming eve. Guessing at least december 24?

Crit:  This is part of a lore that drove me in to read this.  This is pretty good and most of the editor is a good editor however, there might be a pinch of a few things missing. Just a few punctuations and everytime is clearly two words. But however, modern writing… 

Quick flow due to shortness… it felt so good when reading something like this… I give the flow of depth for the diary at least a 10/10

The Idea comes down to I never seen this in my life which leads to at least a 9/10 due to what others may have written in their diary… It was time in 2019. Since it was released in that year.

Editor is pretty good but still needs to learn a few punctuation’s… Editor you found was at least an 8/10 (grammar).  This person deserves respect and did really well.

And then we have the last of word choices at least an 8/10 modern between tradition… (modern vs tradition.)

This is what brings it down to the shortest fiction I ever read and still good to read… I give it at least an 8.5/10…   grammar still has some flaws but it’s not bad compared to some terrible fictions I read back in the day… This is a well done story. I just wish it got more likes because it does have that feeling that it was almost a masterpiece.  What this story needs is to pop out a little more and maybe it would have been a great masterpiece of writing.

Thanks. Usually when it comes down to attention, it’s probably because there we’re other fanfics that caught people’s attention more then this. Even if I do a sequel towards this, it won’t do much of justice.

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor

Highly respectable choice.

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