My Little Reviews & Feedback 508 members · 868 stories
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Azure Drache
Group Admin
EHello, and my Name is Sir Real.
Discord calls himself Sir Real. The princesses don't approve.
My Sister Tia · 1.3k words  ·  33  2 · 536 views

This story is kind of a little backstory to how Discord became a stone statue, and how he, Celestia and Luna were 1000 years ago to each other. It was written for the first of april and is an attempt at being funny about it.

Discord tries to be nice for a moment, renaming himself, and gets bored about it, returning to his normal self.


Well, this is a lighthearted attempt at writing a random story including Discord. And honestly, the previous review this story got already, says it all:

This story takes a simple idea but fails to do much with it. The writer used five chapters and 1.3k words for this simple joke, and it falls flat in some places. The weakest part of this story is the lack of character development and content. Each chapter dealt with a specific part of Discord's process of crossing the line that leads to him being turned into stone. This could have benefited much more if each part of the story had more detail.

This story lacks substance and more built up and general anything to work with. And if even I can spot editorial errors like spelling, it means there are problems on that end.



Randomness 2/10     With Discord as the main character there would be far more possible and it is too uninspired.
SoL: 3/10 A bit of rivalry between Discord and the royal sisters as (kids?)
Flow: 3/10 Too rushed to allow the scenes to really develop some kind of entertainment


Additional Feedback:
You have a basic idea here, some randomness, places before Discord becomes a statue. So far so good. What you should do in my small opinion is to work on the surroundings of that. More crazy random ideas of Discord, more details about them, a bit more lore for the slice of life part, such stuff. People want to laugh at something when DIscord is around, or see some chaos, be so kind to let them have it ;)

*Link to review by Light Heart101

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