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Flora Blossom
Group Contributor
TScraping the Surface
The audience gets to see just how 'hungry' a Siren can truly be.
SunTwi06 · 1.8k words  ·  28  2 · 925 views


Review: Scraping the Surface

Tags: [Comedy], [Slice of Life], [random], [profanity]

Summary:  Canterlot City with the dazzlings.

Critic:  This fiction is of alright standards… The personality for the dazzling is pretty spot on. The flow is pretty.  Besides the fact there are 1 full cap sentence, a few punctuation errors, not a lot.  But it did pretty well. I like it for what it stands out to be.

Now the grading time.

The flow of this fiction is clearly an 8/10. There are two things I noticed in the beginning of the novel that were a little bit and the other one was in the middle paragraph.

The idea is clearly an 8/10 as well. I'm sure it’s clear I have never read this before or an idea of it which I'm a bit impressed by the fiction.

The word choices is now spot on and it’s a 10/10.

The grammar is clearly at an 8/10 due to four punctuation errors.  It is the best grammar fiction that I have seen so far. 

Which leads me to a  34/40   which is at least an 8.5/10

I'm sorry, I don't want to upset anyone or diminish the reviewer's enthusiasm, but this isn't a review. It's barely intelligible, it's rife with grammatical mistakes (ironic when mentioning such errors in someone else's writing - not that those errors are flagged or anything), and it doesn't actually say anything about the story at all. I've come out of this absolutely none the wiser about this story than when I came in.

Again, I'm sorry if this upsets the reviewer, I'm not trying to be horrible or troublesome and I know it's hard to spend time reading stories and working for free in the face of ingratitude, but... personally, I have to say these recent "reviews" just aren't very helpful.

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor

0_0 I'm one of those short reviews that spends time on grade what they have done and yes it is reviewing just in a sorta different way.... if people ask for something in particular... I will reply. however... none seems so here. So, I'm doing fine. Is there a problem of me doing something different?

7515928 If I may jump in, you could tell me your thoughts if that helps.

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor

Ah, you want my thoughts... I say it's a good fiction sure it has a little bit of flaws... but it's a simple fix if you can spot them of course. If you can't then I should say find an editor... However, if the fiction only has 2 errors I will point them out.

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