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Flora Blossom
Group Contributor
EDay-to-Day Shopping
Sid struggles to get groceries.
Heroic412227 · 1.1k words  ·  10  3 · 500 views


Review: Day-to-Day Shopping

Tags: [Comedy], [Sci-Fi], [Slice of Life]

Summary: dialog but without details.

Critic:  I have reviewed a few of his fictions however, he's going in the right direction but for this fiction he needs more details how they feel as a character for dialog otherwise the characters will seem stale.  Pop them out more (when I say pop them out they need to be like not standing still for the whole dialog otherwise this is mostly scripting.

Bad direction but also has good appeal to it for the characters…. The next step is hopefully that everyone that I reviewed yesterday has read this review.   Because I don’t want to say this…. All the time… where… Where is this place at? Canterlot? Ponyville??? Is this the crystal empire… this is what most of the fiction needs such as this…   Is it dark or night outside??? Is it light outside? Does it have a wind effect from the north or south when they go outside?

It’s all common sense.  However, then we have to decide what kind of writing style…. His writing style is clearly in this fiction scripting.  Since there is not a lot of details there is only but dialog. 

The thing is… he put in long details that this takes place in Ponyville.  Alright… that does make sense but where is it?  Where is the store in Ponyville since we never saw it on the mlp show…. But however, there is a slight change you may see in legends of Equestria f2p video games for pc.

Alright back to the review of his fiction.

We know there isn’t a lot of details in this fiction which the flow of this is poor which brings me to at least a 1/10

Word choices were lots of dialog however it’s a 10/10.

Idea is his own which is a 10/10 never seen before.

Grammar has no errors and that can lead one thing  10/10

The score for this fiction is clearly   31/40  which is clearly a 7.5/10

However, If he put a random tag on this fiction.... This would of been a 10/10...

Thank you for the review, Flora. To ask you about the idea of a villain or antagonist doing normal stuff besides being a villain/antagonist, has that ever happened in the MLP: FIM show before?

Sorry about the lack of details in this fiction, though.

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor

how many seasons have you watched? how many generations have you watched? how many villain's? in total that were bad and turned good. oh and you can't use discord the q from star-trek because we already know that.

Sorry. What I meant is were there any non-reformed villains that have done normal, regular activities besides just doing evil?

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor


Flora Blossom
Group Contributor

Is that supposed to be a joke?

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor

didn't derpy injure twilight sparkle with a panio? I'm pretty sure it's cannon.

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor

Twilight VS Derpy... accidental death with an anvil on Twilights Sparkles head. It's cannon.

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor

you know what... I bet twilight died from it and we just watch her self conscious from that episode to season 9... so basically if that were true does that mean we all been living a lie for that episode all the way to through 9?

instant death and brain damage if still alive. Twilight Sparkle broken horn at that point while the anvil drop.

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor

yeah ummm how come derpy didn't get reformed???


To give me more of a straight answer, no. Every time a villain showed up, they were always up to no good. The closest is kinda the beginning of the S9 episode "Frenemies".

If you're hoping for a precedent in the show to try to learn from, or was just curious, I don't think there is.

Thanks, ThePinkedWonder. This is one of the traits that makes my OC antagonist, Sid, different from other villains. He's not always up to no good. He has his own downtime and other activities that don't involve doing evil. He's like the Doofenshmirtz of MLP.


I think at least several of the other non-reformed villains and even those that hadn't yet reformed (like pre-season 5 Starlight) have had down times too when they did something that wasn't anything bad, but the show just didn't focus on them enough to show it.

I don't know. Thank you for the review, though.

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