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Flora Blossom
Group Contributor
TApparition Amphitheater Presents: Haunted Town
Birds sing, sun shines, and wind whistles at the quaint little sleepy town of Ponyville at the center of Equestria. When a farmpony wakes up for an early day of the harvest, she finds it's much quieter than normal. Ooh, now who woke up the dead?
Nightmare_0mega · 7.1k words  ·  12  0 · 367 views

Review: Apparition Amphitheater Presents: Haunted Town

Tags: Death, Dark, Horror, Thriller

Summary: Not much of a haunted town for say…

Review: The title threw me off a lot… Not very scary…  It is decent though and a bit interesting…  It just didn’t give me that vibe for deep horror. However, it was dark in some spots of the fiction which did surprise me in some way.  I like to give this a 5/10

Double youch. Another low end score. I won't lie, I was trying to go for a bit of an accidental ghost story vibe with the victim/protagonist being stuck in the land between life and death, implying that everywhere is kind of haunted in that sense, but maybe I confused the plot a bit.

Anyway, my bad.

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor

ghost stories are good in some ways though... But the best ghost story that I love is Ghost Ship I hope that movie will inspire you to write ghost stories... I like ghost ship because shows us a lot of ghosts and how they died.

Eh, I didn't really care much for Ghost Ship (aside from that absolutely SICK opening. Seriously, that's one hell of a way to open a horror story).

Also, I won't lie... aside from a few stories and movies, most of my inspiration actually comes from music, believe it or not. All of the Apparition Amphitheater stories are titled after a song, with lyrics serving as chapter names.

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor

ninja assassin did the same thing... but was it scary naaahhh it was much more action.... for ghost ship the opening was kind of off and weird... since in the mid and end... ghost were killed differently... which was pretty cool. Also I think Higurashi did the same thing (Anime)

No, you don't understand. It wasn't just the act of the wire slicing through everyone. It was the setting, tone, and atmosphere PUNCTUATED by the ultra kill of everyone in the dance floor. A lively party with blissfully ignorant guests living up the high life, suddenly cut short for no reason they will ever be aware of. There was no concept of death for those passengers until it actually happened. Juxtaposition done correctly. A proper mood whiplash.

In Ninja Assassin, the characters were on edge, the concept of death was firmly in everyone's minds, living it up wasn't the point, blissful ignorance was pushed aside, and there was very little dramatic shift in the actual tone. And, yeah, it was more action oriented. It felt expected.

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor

oh so that what it was... i was like... wait nothing made sense... for ghost ship opening.

Yeah true but it was still good movie T_T for Ninja Assassin and Ghost Ship.

Made perfect sense to me. A high end party on a cruise liner was in full swing in the middle of the ocean, Everyone's having a good time, blissfully unaware of the danger they are in, when they are suddenly and unceremoniously cut down by a high speed razor wire. Those that didn't die immediately languished in agony from the mutilations, The mood went from jolly and festive to horrifying and utterly ruined. Oh, and let's not forget the survivor of the dance floor wire trap massacre, a little girl, watched in abject shock and horror as everyone around her dropped to pieces, and the terrified cries of pain and agony she heard. And the screaming. Such a powerful thing.

The the setting of the atmosphere, the shifting of the mood, and ultimate conclusion that sets up the ghost story is what made it so good... it's too bad the rest of the movie was crap. No offense, really, I just don't think Ghost Ship is good. Like, at all aside from the opening. That's just me, though.

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor

ah is see.... then you must of love the saw series then?

I really liked the first two. The third one was just ok, but after a while the series kinda fell off for me. I mean, don't get me wrong. The traps and devices were cool and interesting, but the story just kinda got worse and worse.

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor

saw 10 i heard was 100% super good.

Pay no mind while I remain skeptical about that.

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