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ETo Lose & To Heal
She thought she had known loss before. But she hadnʼt. Not truly.
Uz Naimat · 1000 words  ·  30  1 · 402 views

To Lose & To Heal is a drama short story about Twilight Sparkle, whom has to go through a kind of loss that few are unfortunate enough to go through.

I think the most remarkable quality of the story is that it was made in one-thousand words exactly. Sure, that in of itself isn't that big of a deal. There are plenty of stories out there, good and bad, that are roughly that amount, a little more if not exact. However, the bad 1k stories tend to vastly outnumber the good, and are normally clear signs of beginner authors just trying to get an idea out and not thinking beyond that. It is also VERY difficult to pull off such a premise without sounding manipulative or over-the-top in its emotional design, especially with the word count limit.

THIS story, in contrast, is VERY well crafted. To be able to place so much emotion into one thousand words, make sure it's believable and not too pushy, make the point and stick to it, with very little meandering is the mark of an excellent writer. The powerful frustration and sorrow of losing something so physical and integral to oneself is something quite difficult to express in words, and even harder for those that haven't gone through it personally to understand, but the fact that I COULD understand and question how I would react if it were to happen to me shows that it's not only possible, but really presents the skill of the writer. Hell, even all stages of grief are covered quite well without ever actually trying to point them out, leaving them to be perfectly subtle atmospheric moments for the character, Twilight, to just be in the moment.

I also love the detail of her friends, each in their own way, try to comfort her in her moment of need, but it's not until the ever gentle and maternal Fluttershy's soft spoken words of concern that utterly destroy the barrier she tried to put up and allow her to just let her emotions be free to flow.

On top of just being very well written, I found no grammar errors or formatting issues. Paragraphs are a little thin, sure, but I think it reads well and fits this kind of story in an aesthetic sort of way.


There isn't much else to say except that this story is an amazing package for such a small read. I highly recommend it, even if you aren't into sorrow/hurt/comfort dramas. It's THAT good, and is perfectly bite-sized.

Thank you so much! Your kind words are very much appreciated. Glad you liked the story.

I very much look forward to more of your works in the future.

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