Cozy Glow 587 members · 947 stories
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Since we see how some of the child characters, such as the CMC, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon look like when they become adults. How would Cozy Glow look like if she was released from her stone prison and become an adult. Here's some fan arts of her as a mare.

Hmm...has anyone tried doing her with a different harstyle?

Awesome. I really like the one of her and Flurry. At first, when I was first introduced to the concept, I couldn't really see how Cozy and Flurry would get on - it's not as obvious as Cozy and Diamond Tiara befriending each other due to being so alike - but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense that they would be brilliant friends if they met each other. Cozy would see this powerful alicorn filly and immediately want to learn more about that power, and Flurry would want to help Cozy after hearing about her past.
That's a good point. I mean, we've seen other characters change the style of their mane and tail over time, the obvious examples being Cheerilee and Pinkie Pie.

Looks mighty awesome

We know what happened to Cozy Glow after she was tuned to stone, we didn't see no signs of her or the other villains in the finale, so we just guessing what happened to her if she reformed in the future.

Love the artwork. You've got me all nostalgic.

In my story, she's currently an adult and has made friends with the likes of Flurry Heart, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and some others. I really love how cute she looks!

What's the name of the story?


TInterviews With Equestrians
A look inside the hidden perspectives of the average pony by your average joe. Starting with the imprisonment of Cozy Glow, this pony sets out to expose the hidden problems of Equestria that its residents have a right to know.
Jmaster49 · 544k words  ·  156  19 · 4.4k views

Let me know what you think!

Thanks, but damn there are a lot of chapters, I might read that later.

Each chapter is rather short and sweet, so don't feel overwhelmed! It's mostly about how Pale Vestige goes about proving to everyone that Cozy deserves redemption, rather than starting off with it.

Right now I currently reading another story called The Once and the Future Princess. So don't worry, I will get to it when I have the time.

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