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It's time to say goodbye to one of biggest animation studios as Disney shutting down Blue Sky Studios for good.

On February 9, 2021, Disney announced that it was closing Blue Sky Studios in April. They explained that in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic's continued economic impact on all of its businesses, it was no longer sustainable for Disney to run a third feature animation studio. The last production released by the studio will be an Ice Age series for Disney+ while the adaptation of Nimona originally set to be released in January 2022 was cancelled as a result of its closure. The studio’s film library and intellectual properties would be retained by Disney. The studio's 450 employees would be offered work in Disney's other animation studios.


Thank you, Blue Sky Studios.


Blue Sky Studios


Group Contributor

What a bummer

Hmph. Why am I not surprised. I knew it. I just knew it. As powerful a company Disney is, it's never going to bear the sheer weight of anything it posesses, so in hindsight it has to lose weight by getting rid of one studio and offering jobs to the laid off.

We'll always remember you, Blue Sky.

That really infuriates me. I wanted to see Ice Age 6 and Rio 3 get made, along with new ideas for us to watch. I guess that means that the two biggest franchises had already ended before they had begun.

Group Contributor

I will always remember Blue Sky Studios.

I believe Buck is going to get his spin-off movie on Disney+ and Buck and Crash would appear in that film but Disney doesn't mention about Blue Sky's involvement through.


Nico and Pedro from Rio would have get their own spin off on Disney+ but due to the closure of Blue Sky and no news on that spin off, it's currently unknown.

Unfortunately, it might be the last one.

Oh no. :raritycry:
I hope Disney can give those people jobs.

Group Admin

Just when it seemed like Disney's purchase of the company would provide a bit of merit. Sure 'Blue Sky' faced some ups-and-downs, particularly as 'Ice Age' was overstaying its welcome with one unneeded sequel after another, but that didn't mean there weren't any 'good' movies the studio made. At least a few of their features were nominated at the Oscars, TWO of them for 'Best Animated Feature' (One of them being the first 'Ice Age' movie). Not to mention they provided a pretty solid adaptation of 'The Peanuts' comics with that one movie, that was fun to watch. And I was curious to see what they'd do with Nimona, a story I've never heard of.

But since those plans are officially down the shitter, I suppose someone else is going to have to do it if Disney won't.

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