The Writing Process 280 members · 901 stories
Comments ( 78 )
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Group Admin

Hey, we're all in a group together, so I thought it might be nice to get to know one another!

I'm Silence.EXE, a brony from the chilly land of Canada, specifically in Orleans!

My favourite things to do are write stories, read, play video games, and put a smile on everyponys' (or everycreatures') face!

Hello. I'm The Blue EM2. I'm from Nottingham in the UK, although my character is an electric loco from Sheffield. I enjoy writing stories, gaming, and editing other people's work. I am currently the editor for Evictus, and I aim to please with my work.

Anonomis- from somewhere in the US. (Sorry; but I'm not too welcome of specifics.)
Often I play games or read whatever I find interesting along with writing stories. I am no great writer by any means; but I try my best to get better.

A reference to the infamous comic, by any chance?

Hello there.

From: The U.S.A (no you're not getting a state, mostly because it changes every 1-2 years)

What Else I Like: Yu-Gi-Oh! + The Abridged Series (one look at my stories should make that pretty obvious), Marvel Cinematic Universe, writing (duh), using Greek and Latin words to name things, Paradox Interactive games (EUIV, CK2, VicII, etc.)

Hello. My name is KamikazePickle (ha ha no name reveal) and I’m from England. I write stories because I have ideas. Bad ideas, but ideas at the very least. I can speak Spanish? Ja, ja, fuiste al traductor de google para averiguar qué coño estaba escribiendo. Jajaja La prueba FitnessGram Pacer es una prueba de capacidad aeróbica de etapas múltiples que se hace cada vez más difícil a medida que continúa. La prueba de marcapasos de 20 metros comenzará en 30 segundos. Alinearse al principio. La velocidad de carrera comienza lentamente pero se vuelve más rápida cada minuto después de escuchar esta señal de bodeboop. Se debe completar una vuelta de canto cada vez que escuche este sonido. ding Recuerde correr en línea recta y correr el mayor tiempo posible. La segunda vez que no complete una vuelta antes del sonido, su prueba habrá terminado. La prueba comenzará en la palabra inicio. En sus marcas. ¡Prepárate!… Comienza. timbre

TheMajorTechie here. Came to the site as TechnoNerd, changed to what it is now after a couple months. I write quite a bit of sci-fi, and generally try to keep things rated-E when possible.

My current goal, and the goal that I've had since joining the site is to improve my story writing skills to the point of which I could be confident in publishing a fully-original fiction that is unrelated to any existing franchise.

I also build and fix computers.

Group Admin

Well, don't you like anything in particular?

Oh, you move a lot?

Of course! Practice makes perfect, after all.

Ah, the wonderful land of Great Britain! What's it like there?

I suppose that's why your name is TheMajorTechie!

I saw the 20 and knew 'FitnessGram Test'.

Group Admin

Wow, that was deep. You have potential. What genre do you specialize in?

I'm sevenofeleven, and I write horror and adventure stories either original or MLP.

I live in the area north of Manehattan.

I'm into video games, writing and some TV.
Some movies too.


To me, the difference between fanfiction and original fiction is just:
1. Using someone else's chars.
2. Using someone else's world and lore.

If you can tell a good story, you're most of the way there.
Start small and work up.
Try writing a few one chapter stories first.

Kudos on your chars.

Yup, I've got plenty of one-shots under my belt. The original story I'm writing uses lore established in my current stories as a basis, removing all references to MLP in the process.

Which comic? The EG Winter (Anon-a-Miss) one? No reference was intentional

Group Admin

Well then. Not sure why, but okay.

Dolphy Blue Drake
Group Admin

Hey there! I'm Dolphy Blue Drake. I'm from Utah, the state nobody's from. Specifically Provo.

All joking aside, I love to read, write, play video games, ride my bicycle (when it's not too cold. The Provo River Trail's my favorite spot.), eat (yes, I love food!), and I'm a total nerd. I have even been called a male, human Twilight. No, I am not kidding.

I have tons of great story ideas, and I'm fantastic at dialogue, but… I suck at good descriptions. Most of my best works have a coauthor for that reason, but they keep falling out of contact with me or taking forever to respond, leaving a lot of my most passionate works high and dry, never to be completed, even though I want to finish them so badly. If I just did it myself, it'd turn to complete garbage.

I'm joining this group in the hopes that I can finally find a reliable source of people to help me finish those works, and keep new works from being pronounced dead by others who don't understand just how much I want to finish them while knowing my own limits.

Hiya! Name’s Samuel Neocros. I’m relatively new, though I joined last year.

I joined FimFiction, because I wanted to grow a public life for myself, and not be isolated all the time. I also came here because I thought I’d create the things I wanted to write and see. Now that I’m done rambling about why I joined, I’ll end this comment with a joke:

What ruined Blue Sky?
The Ice Age.

Sorry, I’m horrible at jokes...

Hi there my name is ArtistFire19

Ay, you're from Provo, I'm just a bit north, in Draper! (Used to live in Lehi though, and the number of ISPs I could choose from back there was a lot more than the two I have now...:unsuresweetie:)

Dolphy Blue Drake
Group Admin

A fellow Utahan? Outside of the Utah Bronies Group? :pinkiegasp: I thought I'd never see the day!

Side note, I've also been called a male Twilight Sparkle before.

May or may not be due to the fact that my friends know that I read textbooks for fun when I'm bored.

Yeah. The one which effectively sealed the fate of any future EG comics and tarnished the EG CMC, in my eyes. I mean, almost all of the EG CMC stories on here are Anon-a-Miss? And don't let get me get started on the Special's plot holes. How on Earth did Sweetie get Sunset's photos, given she doesn't know what Sunset's phone code is?

Hello, I'm Tempest Flare. I'm from Rochester New York. While I'm not a fan of the current show I'm a fan of the potential the show has.

Terrible jokes. Tres, 二, one! Go

Why did the physics teacher break up with the biology teacher? There was no chemistry.

A guest calls the waiter and complains, “How come there are no chairs at our table?!” The waiter shrugs, “I’m sorry but you only booked one table…”

Optimist: The glass is half full.

Pessimist: The glass is half empty.

Mother: Why didn’t you use a coaster!

She: “I have a doctor’s appointment today but I really don’t want to go… “ He: “Just call in sick then.”

Hi guys my name is ArtistFire

Group Admin

Heya, Artist. How you doing?

I'm Ice Star. I lurk and write.

Hi, I'm Dragonfire2lm. I have no clue why I was invited to the group but I assume someone, somewhere, likes the stuff I write on this site or something.

Uh, I like the show Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go and I spend most of my time on my PS4.

Hello, I'm Robipony,

I originally started as a guy who loved Creepypasta and was pulled into the fandom by grimdark fics like Cupcakes and Ask Little Miss Rarity. However, as time has gone on, I have kind of mellowed out a bit.

I write stories that appeal to my tastes and hope that others who will share those tastes will enjoy them as well. But to be perfectly clear I do NOT write clopfics.

My most recent story is; Ask Roseate Grimsbane, which will be receiving a second chapter on the 27th of this month.


Hello! I'm M0nster Menace during sp00ktober and Mine Menace the rest of the time. Not sure why I was invited here but thanks and I'm happy to be here!

As for about me, well, I'm mostly a reader on this site, and I edit for a few people. I spend the vast majority of my time reading just about anything, listening to music, and trying to figure out music on a few instruments I know how to play. I'm also trying to get back into writing here, and the main reasons as to why I haven't published anything in forever is because I'm slow as tar and I think my writing isn't very good, despite people seeming to like it.

Oh, and I'm from Michigan, and I know a bit of Spanish and Swedish for some reason. So there's that too.

I amJust a brony who lives in socal and loves to write! not muchh else to tell.

Hey there. I'm EchoWing, proud native of the great state of Indiana and the originator of the Quiververse. I like writing, playing with my Transformers, and watching funny videos on Youtube.

I don't expect everyone to like my stories, but it would be nice for people to give them a fair chance before deciding that they're crap. I try to do that with others' works, after all.


Hai everyone, I'm The Loyal Patriot, originating from the cultural melting pot known as Compton in California. I have a majority of the same hobbies as other people here do, such as writing, games, ect.

I started off writing mainly Crossover and MiE (Military in Equestria) stories, but have recently expanded into AiE romance stuff that I hope I will make more of.

and I'm also in love with an effeminate dragon, but that's neither here nor there.

Welp... the names Saberking2012(Kinda obvious:facehoof:), but most call me Saber. I write fluff and serious subject matters(more so the former) and try to improve. I've been on the site for two years and my goal is to become well known amongst everyone.

I hope to get back to posting stories(assuming I find a permanent editor since my last one left) and become a bit more active. I hope to get along with you all.

I am Sanguine... the king of snuggles... fear me...

I still don't know why I was invited here but... yey...

Hey all, my name is Shirley and I’m a visual artist who loves romance/adventure stories especially the fluffy ones with all the feels :D

Currently, I’m creating characters for a project that’s been in the works for a few years, MLP has really inspired me to go after it and drawing fan art or artwork inspired by amazing stories on here is helping and challenging me in new ways. So with that said, I will be open to take on some commissions soon if anyone is interested, however, because of time constraints and effectiveness I can only work on limited pieces. I really like the show style art so that’s mainly what I’ll be doing. I also look to collaborate with writers in the near future for the project I’m working on :)

Here’s an example of a recent piece I did.

Along with drawing ponies I also focus on vector style art with my design and printing business, so if anyone is interested in anything of that nature I can help in the department. Whether you need those types of services or just have questions, I’ll do my best to share as much knowledge as I can. Overall, I just want to connect with you awesome people/ponys on here and help where I can.
Deviantart: shirleycreates

I'm doing ok

Now I am a pulp writer. What does that mean? It means that I write sensationalist fiction involving horror/occult, detective/mystery (Hardboiled Detective), fantasy, science fiction, adventure, war, Serie Noir (Hardboiled with an untrained civilian solving the mystery), usually of the bizarre kind.

I do this with ponies, but I am trying to also graduate to doing this for original fiction as well.

This is something that can define me in music form, just to get the sort of thing you hear in your head when you spend large amounts of time specifically talking to me.

This is my creation.

Name: Arcanum Folklore

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Species: Celtic Unicorn Pony

Appearance: Greyish-blue coat, amber eyes, and a black mane, with a black Eye of Horus as his cutie mark.

Usual Outfit: He regularly wears a long black and dusty woolen overcoat and matching black felt fedora hat.

Weapons/Gear: M1 Carbine Rifle, Single Shot
Rune Etched Cutlass
Kurdish Dagger
Smoke Grenades- Can use Telekinesis to suffocate opponents to death, or manifest the spirits of the dead
Fragmentation Grenades- Can remotely cause them to explode from a distance, with the use of telekinesis
Rune Carved Double Sawed-Off Barrel Shotgun

Hobbies: Reading either Fiction or Nonfiction, Listening to either Music or Dark Adventure Radio late at night, drinking Celtic Whiskey or Beer, Piano Playing, Playing Chess, Playing Go, Gambling in either dice or Poker.

Abilities: His special talent is actually perception, he can notice details that most miss, and can in fact sense Ether (magic). That is a result of his Magical Education both under his father, and his mentor. Not to mention after the war against Shiba he did finish that PhD in Chemistry in between cases, along with a Magus Certification (A sort of PhD in Magic Theory) from the University of Athena.
And he really is brilliant, he has made deals with ghosts, minor gods, and demons, tricking some into self destruction. Pyrokinesis, Works by converting the Ether surrounding the opponent into heat energy, and can even melt steel from a distance
Telekinesis, The most skilled Telekinetic of the last one hundred years.
Ectoplasmic Manipulation, capable of converting the surrounding ether into ectoplasm to posses machines, and temporarily reanimate dead bodies for interrogation. Also useful for unlocking any non magical vault or door
Telepathic and Mind Control Resistance, Has trained for years to ward off telepathic infiltration and brainwashing.
Combat Strategy, A master of both Urban and Desert Warfare. He also has the entire world known Equine history of warfare memorized.
CQC, Capable Boxer, a master of Xing Southern Praying Mantis ,and Sabre Fencing.
Nervous System Control, Can ward off pain by the use of Eastern Magical Techniques. He can also make his limbs move even if severed, if they are freshly severed off course
Enhanced Senses, Can use magic to enable him to hear from long distances. Can see the flow of Ether (Magic) and can use this to fight even when deprived of sight.

Occupation: Detective, Occultist, and Monster Hunter

Bio: Folkore was born in 965 Celestia's Reign, in Sheol's Kitchen Manehattan. He was the son of a first generation immigrant Celtic Unicorn Wizard and Antiquarian, and a Midwestern Earth-Pony Equestrian Mare and Spiritual Medium with a natural capacity to manipulate ectoplasm and manifest spirits with said ectoplasm. He was an only son, and intelligent enough to enter into one of Manehattan's most prestigious private academies, Sol Preparatory School. Despite this though, his more esoteric and magical traits of his family tended to frighten, or weird out most of his mostly Earth-Pony classmates. It wasn't until adolescence that he got real friends in school, the president of the school paper the pegasus stallion Signature Typewriter or "Sig" for short, and a young somewhat tall and a bit insecure unicorn mare Fleur de Lis. He graduated and went to study Magick and Chemistry in Athena University in Manehattan, there he met a pegasus mare Archive Key Yearling and and Earth-Pony Mare named Redheart as fellow students of the university but in different fields, as Yearling was studying archaeology and Redheart was studying medicine.  In 982 CR his mother had sacrificed herself stopping some sort of entity that she called "Yog" from using her as a gateway into our plane, by purposefully exploding in a myriad of bone, flesh and ectoplasm. His father didn't take it well and considering his son an adult living in Athena University's campus, so he left to his homeland of Erenn to commune with the Fay and understand what his wife faced, he went missing indefinitely after that. As a result of this Folklore felt that he failed to safeguard his family so he dropped out of Athena and joined The Gallic Foreign Legion to get as much physical space between him and Equestria possible. As a result he fought in the Gallic-Sheba War from 982 till 987 CR. And unbeknownst to him was followed back to home to Equestria by a Zebra mare that would eventually be called Zecora. He spent some four months living on the Manehattan streets as a bum until at some point in 988 CR when he opened a Magick Consulting and Private Detective Agency that he ran as he finished his Doctorate in Chemistry until 993 CR when he joined the Manehatan's Adventurers Club ran by the famous Dr. Bronze Savage, who died in an incident a year later in 994 CR. Folklore in the time before that incident finished his Doctorate yet lost most of his friends. He reopened his Detective Agency and worked since 994 CR until 1 LR (Luna's Return) Investigating the Paranormal, Solving Crimes, and committing the occasional act of vigilantism.

Personality: Folklore is a knowledgeable, skilled, yet somewhat average in raw magical power, unicorn magician with a quick-wit and a cynical disposition. He has been in the Paranormal Investigation field for nearly twenty years, and has bared his fair share of both physical and mental scars that come with regularly facing the kind of Eldritch insanity that would have driven most ponies into suicide. Can be sociable, and possesses a unique black humor. He also has a weakness for drink and intelligent and energetic mares. And a complete intolerance for arrogance and idiocy.

Quote, catchphrase by habit: Oh crap!

This sounds awesome

Hey, folks! I'm Inky Shades.

I love to write emotional stories. Although I do like to dabble in fluff, and more mature oriented stories when the mood strikes me. Most stories I write tend to be E-T. One-shots are my preferred format because I'm slow and finicky. I'm constantly looking to grow as a writer.


You may call me, Astral Phoenix.

It's a pleasure to be here. I'm always on the look-out for help with my stories. I've started my first fanfic in 2015 called "Mum's the Word" but after some time I've lost focus on it and decided to put it on permanent hiatus. I do plan to go back to it as a remake which is what I'm exactly doing while also working on my main fanfic "Rise of the Apple Princess". I have plenty of ideas for new fanfics that I certainly hope to work on and with groups like this, I'm certain I'll be able to succeed. :twilightsmile:

Hello everyone, I am a person of many names, but you can call me Chaotic.
I am from the US but I move alot but I grew up in tampa florida.

Anyway I write a little bit of everything, but I specialize in action, drama and comedy. But what I am very good at is creating worlds, characters, and making seemingly stupid plots seem interesting. Other than writing I enjoy playing games and drawing characters from my stories. I am also notoriously known to over work myself with writing(I have 18 stories in the works with 6 of them actually here on the site)

Name: Devela
Location: United States
Heeelllooo from the other side of a screen
My humor is all over the place and I enjoy both dark themes and light comedy. I feel elated when people ready my stories and actually comment or tell me how to improve.


You’re welcome

Hello. I am Jean-Luc Godard. I like to make edgy fics where the plot is aimless and the characters are meanies.

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