The Writing Process 280 members · 902 stories
Comments ( 78 )
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What’s up?

Hey guys, my name is Morgan, I've been a fan of FiM since season one but couldn't go past the third season due to college and then needing to work. Been trying to catch up with the show but could barely find the time to do so but it's still an improvement nevertheless lately.

I'm a newswriter for a local publication and it wasn't until early this year that I managed to finally get myself to do some creative writing which resulted in me beginning my OC-centric story, With Only the Stars to Cradle Us, and I'm hoping to get some constructive feedback or readers on it.
Sometimes I wonder if I got back to the MLP fandom too late or if there's still any wiggle room at all for OC stories but then again one won't know how cold or hot the water is until they test it out.

I don't update on a regular basis due to a mixture of work, tiredness, and lack of motivation but I make it my point to write a page or so every now and then since I've already planned out a significant chunk of the story.

Group Admin


As literature is not a visual medium, I firmly believe that "Show. Don't tell," is overrated advice for amateur authors.

We are gonna get along SO GOOD

Group Admin

There's always room for more!! Happy to have you here :twilightsmile: Writing OC-centric stories is, overall, an undervalued part of the work done on here. Where does everyone think original fiction comes from anyway...?

Good for you for working in such a tough area! Good luck in your writings, and we're all here to help answer any question you could possibly ask!

Hey, I'm Commander Spectre and this is my favorite place on the citadel I mean-- i'm from the crappy state of Indiana. I'm only 19 years old and I've been a brony since 2013 (I was 14 at the time) I recently graduated High School back in June and I'm a huge gamer :pinkiehappy:
I just recently came back to the fandom from a two year hiatus, I had surgery (rather not go into detail) and my morale was low, I decided come back because this show's given me more happiness than ever. And it's doing the trick to help me out with my recovery.

My favorite game to play is Mass Effect (As you can tell) But I love to play GTA 5, Fortnite, Portal, Half-life, and so many others. I'm easy going as well.

I'm not a huge fanfic writer, however I have ideas but do not know how to put them usually. I'm trying to change that as it is as I have a story that I'm trying to sort out. Hope to see you guys and gals around! /)

Hello folks, DILLYbOd here, not your average fan-fic writer... Just look a my stories's ratings!!! LOL.....

Greetings every creature. I am Zurvan. As a child I was fascinated with the idea of time travel. My very first OC was a for the anime Digimon and was a horrible Gary Stu. My only defense to that is at the time I literally did not even know the term.

I consider myself a mediocre writer, my stories tend to be dialogue driven. I came into the fandom with what some people would call the worst episode. My daughter begged me to watch the new episode (at the time) with her. The episode was "Magical Mystery Cure". I instantly loved the series, especially since I have always loved a good musical.

Hi, I'm Book Wyrm. I'm from NJ, and I love to read and write. I only got into the show a few years ago. I'm a serious nerd. Really serious. Props to you if you can figure out what my username means.:twilightsmile:

Wassup, I'm Free Shavacado, but all of my minions call me Freesh. I'm just your average Chocolate boy from Chicago Illinois. I write, play guitar, and am a literal walking meme. Get to know me. I may drive you insane :pinkiecrazy:

Hi, I'm tyrannosaurianrex9 and I'm from the state of Washington. My favorite things are dinosaurs, science, animals, God, movies, video games, and My Little Pony. I also write an AU HiE story that features dinosaurs with my editors who help me with writing.

Name's Cam. I live in the eastern USA. I'm shamed to say I thought FLM was a "little girls show" till season 6 when I finally decided to check it out...and I wish i'l did it much sooner! As my user name might suggest, Pinkie Pie is my favorite MLP character and is the reason I got curious about the show, through Starlight Glimmer's been giving her a run for her money in season 8.

Some other stuff I like is Dragon Ball, Pokemon, Mario games, and I have some interest in Marvel comics, but i'm still new to it.

Coming at you from California, US: it's me! Preferring the comedy and adventure genres, my aim is to deliver a thrilling story to you lovely readers as best as my ability allows.

Outside of this site, I hobby around as a performer, usually as a street juggler or open mic improv. I also am into bodybuilding, comics, literature, heavy metal, punk rock, and of course animation.

I am an animation student, who hopes to get the ball rolling on helping Americans appreciate the medium as a legitimate art form, just as Walt Disney, Ub Iwerks, the Fleischer brothers and Windsor McKay did. Tall order, I know, but nothing great ever came easy.

I'm Darth Redbeard.
Been here for a few years. Actually hoping to become an actual author.
One of my personal favorite quotes is

If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy

Hi guys, the name's over there to the left, but I also go by Kona or Kona-chan whatever floats your boat I guess, as for why I go by that name? Well I suppose I like having an actual name for a virtual persona. I've been writing here for a little while, nothing fancy just bad stuff for funsies, yep I consider myself a bad writer, not out self loathing or anything, it just a thing I have in my mind.

I don't really have defined likes and dislikes, I just go with whatever I found interesting, I'm neutral to most things or I just simply don't care about them if they don't pick my interest.

I'm a bit weird but don't worry I don't bite (maybe). Just joking, I have the bad habit of spontaneusly say something out of the blue using the last thing anyone has said to me, so please excuse me for my overall sillyness if I decide to take part in a conversation.

Shhh... I'm just undercover. :trollestia:

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition...

I forgot I joined this group ages ago so I can't remember if I've said hi already so uh, hi?

I'm Dragonfire2lm, I'm a huge fan Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!, Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch, Okami and I enjoy watching MLP FiM and a few other things as well.

Um, my writing kinda sucks but people like what I do anyway and I love world building. I always have ideas, which I can't usually implement due life, my computer not cooperating and the air conditioner being right above said computer so I'll tend to post several chapters of whatever I'm inspired to work on at the time and stop because something came up and I lose the motivation to even try to get on the computer. Eventually I'll get frustrated enough that the cycle repeats itself.

I have ideas and can't really do anything with them but I love reading, even if I don't really comment or anything I've found a lot of stories on here that I love to reread.

Oh, a place to say Hi! How nice!

I'm GMBlackjack, known to my friends as GM, and I write. A lot. Of horsewords. I have written... holy heck when did I cross the two million word mark. I focus mostly on grand scoping adventures and worldbuilding, my most recent projects being about the multiverse, including the League of Sweetie Belles, which crosses over with over a dozen other fics on the site (and beyond)!

I like pone (naturally) but I also like Stargate, Gravity Falls, BOOKS, and science-fiction stuff. I have been called a writing machine many-a-time, and I'm looking to work on a big project while I'm mostly free for the summer. ...Actually, that's part of the reason I'm here, but I should lave that in the actual post.

Anyway, HI PEEPS!

-GM, master of 1001001

Introduce your self:
Alright, I am 2 Liter Leo, the name is actually a nickname from middle and high school and I can go into detail about how I got it if you want.

I live in Idaho, which for some reason is almost a completely forgotten state.

My hobbies are writing, reading, playing video games, drawing and doing magic(as in magic tricks i.e. pick a card any card).

Something I want to do is join the U.S. Army and currently, am trying to make it past the MEPS(Military Enlistment Prosecuting Station).

If you have any questions or requests for me just ask.


I live in Idaho, which for some reason is almost a completely forgotten state.

I lived in Idaho too! until about a year ago. Still go there regularly.


-GM, master of wiles.

I am Petal Chatoyance, I am fifty-nine and live with my three spouses. We have been together for thirty-six years. I have had a career in the games industry, then I sort-of-retired and did webcomics and graphic novels for a bit, lately I caught the fanfiction bug and wrote twenty-two novels and many many short stories here. My college background was in medical biochemistry, but games and entertainment called to me more. Most recently, my passion has been virtual reality, which I enjoy exploring. I used to paint miniatures, I draw, sculpt, and occasionally write music.

My greatest love in art is science fiction, and all of my stories represent this. I grew up on the classic science fiction of the 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's, and all of my work is informed by this. I write characters and events based on real people and things that happened to me, only painted in science fiction and ponies. My style of writing is essentially automatic: I sit down and let the story tell itself.

My writing motto is this: "If you know your characters, and you know your world, then you need not fear even a thousand pages of text."

There are a lot more interesting things about me, but that is enough for now.

Hello, my names Ender Inkbourne, and i am a librarian from Trottingham, although irl i live in america, but i am relatively new here, as i have only got a single story on here and i am looking for help on writing and to improve my skills.

Any advice would be immensely appreciated, and i can even give you all what i have written on a chapter so far and see what you all think of it and whats needed to be changed or improved.

Hey I'm Crimson Rose, I am a fellow writer here in Fimfiction and an artist, living in a really hot state of Texas and loves chocolate.

Howdy, hi! Name's DaOtterguy. I draw and write primarily MxM Romance and Comedy. I'm from Canada and enjoy my maple syrup.

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