The Writing Process 280 members · 898 stories
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Dolphy Blue Drake
Group Admin

A group of fics I write have had the same co-author for all of them. Now he's announced to me that he is retiring, leaving me high and dry. Some are partially posted on the site, and one is entirely unposted. That one did have a second co-author, but he's become a father, and needs to look after his family now, so at his request, I let him go.

I'm in need of help for practically every posted yet unfinished fic I have, but I'm also now trying to recruit for the fic I discussed in this thread. (More details have been ironed out since then, with help in a few other groups, but recruiting co-authors isn't allowed in very many groups.)

If you're interested in assisting in some way, whether it be co-authoring or something else (I have a good idea for a cover art for the fic in the thread, for example), such as art, composition, or lesser forms of writing assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'm constantly sitting around without much to do these days, and the boredom is getting to me, but since I keep writing myself into corners, I need outside help a lot. Everyone who assists in even a single iota will be credited.

Thanks again,
Dolphy Blue Drake
The Writing Process

EDIT: well, apparently pinning personal stuff isn't an abuse of power since Silence did it, so… I guess I'll sticky this for now until I get results?

I just want to wish you well on your projects.

Dolphy Blue Drake
Group Admin

Thank you, I guess. Words won't do much, but knowing others want to see me succeed does provide motivation, at least.

Make sure you give yourself motivation too.

If you want these stories to be done, just keep doing what you're doing.
Have faith that they will be done eventually.
Persistence and patience is key.

If you want someone to bounce ideas off of, maybe I can help.

Dolphy Blue Drake
Group Admin

Idea bouncing doesn't help when I've written myself into corners. But thanks for the offer.

Sure they will.
Gotta swing those ideas really hard!

When I get to stuck place, I take some time to relax and eventually, I get a solution.

Seriously, some folks think that writing is like pushing a box down the street.
Hey now, push that paragraph, push them all day.

Even pushers of boxes take breaks.

Have faith in yourself that you got this.
Take your time and not stress out.
Stress is the mind killer next to fear.

Dolphy Blue Drake
Group Admin

Unfortunately, my way of relaxing and taking breaks is trying out and working on new fic ideas. Occasionally, one of them will seem good enough for me to get involved in this new idea… And write myself into a corner all over again. That's why I have so many unfinished fics, and why I raised my "call to arms". And people keep calling my old fics that haven't budged in a while "dead", even though they haven't been cancelled, and even after all these years, I sill want to finish them, making them "comatose", not "dead."

Yeah, I have a few stories on hiatus.
But they're original and nobody cares.
Eventually, I'll come back.

You might want to change your workflow by focusing on one story at a time.
Switch between a short story (1-4 chapters) and longer stories.

That's what I do.
Am working on a long story, and I took a break to do a three chapter story.
When it's done, I'll come back.

Dolphy Blue Drake
Group Admin

I don't like doing short stories. I feel restrained by them. The shortest I go and consider done is 6 Chapters, but except for my Dragonverse fics, I can't think of any others that even fit that, and only Episode 1 is complete. Episode 2's Chapter 5 is partially done, and chapter 6 for it hasn't even begun to be written.

How about focusing on one story at a time?

Dolphy Blue Drake
Group Admin

My mind can't do one at once for much beyond a certain point. When I get a new idea, it demands to be written so I don't forget it.

I get that.
Some folks write down the idea somewhere and continue working on their current project.

I cannot focus on one story either. Heck i can't focus on one chapter in a story. If my muse hits me i must write. Forcing myself to write never works as it begins to feel like a job and i just want to quit. So some of my work sits on a shelf for months or even years before going back to it.

I hope you find a co author, I cannot volunteer myself; it won't work long term.

Dolphy Blue Drake
Group Admin

Thank you for the well wishes. And I'm honored that you would if you could, but I understand that circumstances can cause something long term to not be able to work. Once again, thanks.

Group Admin

Oi, XD, I stickied the rules and admin stuff! But yes, not against the rules. Just don't do this all the time.

Give me a shot, I'll see what I can do!

Dolphy Blue Drake
Group Admin

You stickied something else. It was personal.
"Requesting Services: Cover Artist,"
I used that to draw my conclusion.

Dolphy Blue Drake
Group Admin

Okay, would you like to help me bring one of my comatose ones back out of the coma? Help with the small handful of unpublisheds?  Or actually try to fill the really big shoes of my old primary co-author? (As he worked with me on about half of my stuff before leaving.)

If we need to go into more detail, just PM me.

Group Admin

Oh, that's old.

Group Admin

Also, I stickied one personal, you sticky everything you post! ;-;

Dolphy Blue Drake
Group Admin

I took it as a go ahead. and not everything! 2 or 3, tops! I have plenty that aren't!

Group Admin


I'm watching you.


Dolphy Blue Drake
Group Admin

I promise! I'll unsticky this as soon as I have a comfortable amount of replacements to get my most essential fics back in action.

Group Admin

Could you send me links to the story(ies)? I might be able to help. (Yes ik this is 2 years later, but since this post is still here, it must mean you still need help.)

Dolphy Blue Drake
Group Admin

Thank you for the reply. I'll get back to you very soon. I must warn you, however, I have quite a few stories that are stuck atm.

Ok, So I looked through the stories, and I need to tell you that i'm no good at crossovers, and I suck at HiE. I would probably be able to help you with discord's sister though.

Dolphy Blue Drake
Group Admin

One is better than nothing, so that's something I can work with.

Ok. I will read the chapters you have up so I am more familiar with the story, and better prepared to help write for it.

Dolphy Blue Drake
Group Admin

Thank you so much.

Dolphy Blue Drake
Group Admin

Sure! The more the better!

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