The Writing Process 280 members · 902 stories
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Hello, I am a fairly new writer looking for someone who is willing to look over my story plan on google docs before I start writing to make sure there aren't any glaring flaws or some better way to organize my thoughts or general suggestions before I starting writing.

Specifically, the story is about an OC and the Princesses about 400-600 years in the future in a sort of Alternate Universe. I plan for it to be a slice of life/romance story, similar to Hiver's series featuring his OC, about him adjusting to his new life with the four princesses.

If that sounds interesting to you at all and are willing to give suggestions on and edit my story plan then please DM me. Since I am just a high school student I won't be able to pay you at all.

When you say OC, do you mean just an original character or a character that's really your avatar in the story?

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