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Kama and Hallie
Group Contributor

"Necronomicon" (1993) is a horror anthology that is based on the works of H.P Lovecraft. The movie features four different stories and each of them features the Necronomicon, and three of them are loose adaptations of Lovecraft stories, with each story taking place in different time periods, some in present, and some in the future (of the central story).

The central story is "The Library" which tells about Lovecraft himself visiting a library guarded by strange people, who wishes to read the Necronomicon to read its contents, and each of the stories he reads in it are the stories we focus on next.

The first story is called "The Drowned", which is slightly taken from "The Rats in the Walls" and "Dagon" and easily my favorite story, it features a man inheriting his old family hotel, he then reads about his uncle's experience and death, then attempts to redo what his uncle did.

The second story is "The Cold" which is based on "Cool Air", about a reporter investigating murders in the area who interviews a woman who lives in a cold building because of a rare skin condition, she tells the story of her mother and a doctor she meets who has the same condition as well, but the condition is more frightening than it seems.

The third and last story is "Whispers", partially based on "The Whisperer in Darkness", and easily the scariest and most depressing and hopeless. This story takes place in the 80s and is about two police officers chasing down a killer named "The Butcher" into a warehouse and meets the landlord and an old blind woman, they tell her the Butcher isn't human and they lead her inside a cavern underneath the warehouse, and she finds out the truth is much more sinister than she thought.

This movie is a very fun cult movie that has your typical 90s campy horror charm, but it can also be pretty horrifying at times, the atmosphere of this movie is really well done and helps suck you into the story. Definitely watch it if you're a fan of Lovecraft or campy horror, 7/10.

Group Contributor

Ooh, I love this movie! I'll see if I can find it to watch this Halloween.

Group Admin

7756724 I vaguely remember this from a long time ago. I'll have to sit down and give it another watch. :twilightsmile:

The Ranger
Group Admin

I've never even heard of this movie :rainbowderp: Despite me being a Lovecraft fan and owning several books and collections, including the Necronomicon itself. Now I'm gonna check around to see if I can find it anywhere on my streaming services.

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