The Insane Creators Guild 640 members · 2,330 stories
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I hate the idea of the villain always having to have some tragic backstory. Sometimes a really powerful psychopath is simply a psychopath with power.

I'm not saying that every villain has to be a psychopath. A tragic villain can be really compelling. Maybe the villain believes they're doing the right thing and when confronted that they're not, it winds up destroying them. Maybe the villain was a hero who grew so jaded and disenfranchised by the cruelty of the world that it drove them over the edge. Maybe the villain was originally an innocent bystander who one unlucky day lost everything when the hero was fighting a big villain, and in their grief and anger blamed the hero and swore vengeance, and that drove them down a dark path.

Sometimes it just takes one bad day to drive an innocent bystander or a hero into villainy. But equally sometimes all it takes is one bad day to drive an innocent bystander or a lackey of a villain into heroics.

Group Contributor

7845039 And sometimes you wake up on morning, spill hot coffee on yourself and swear vengeance upon the world... You know... Tuesday. :rainbowderp:

Group Contributor

Yep and then there's those. Kinda like the protagonist in the movie Falling Down, he was just a guy working the typical 9-to-5 office drudgery when one day something happens and he has his fill, so he decides to just destroy society.

Comment posted by Selene Bright deleted Jun 9th, 2023
Selene Bright
Group Contributor


I agree bro I always liked villains that were like the Joker.

Group Contributor

The Joker's origins should always be a mystery and never clearly defined.

I love the line from The Killing Joke where the Joker says, (paraphrasing, obviously)"Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes I remember it another. If I have an origin, I prefer it to be multiple choice."

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